Chapter 28- Yaku

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Luna and Kenma walked hand in hand...well really it was more she was dragging him along by his was much less romantic and much more forced fun. 

"Commmeee on!! Kuroo's already left us in the dust!"

"Good! Then go find him!! I don't want to go out," Kenma complained as he dragged his feet. 

"Come on~!!"

"NO! I REFUSE!! Get away from me you she-demon!!!"

"KEYNMA! It's just shopppping!!"



Kuroo hummed to himself as he left his two partners to fight amongst themselves. He happily walked past all the quaint stores while window shopping. He wanted to get them matching bracelets or something cringy. He knew Luna would love it, and Kenma would pretend to hate it despite cherishing it by wearing his gift every day.

"Life really can't get any better than this," Kuroo sighed as he put his hands behind his head and stretched. 

He had just spotted the perfect tacky souvenir shop when he heard someone call his name, "Tetsurō?"

"Huh?" Kuroo turned toward the male voice. 

Yaku Morisuke stood there with his characteristic cocky smile. "Holy shit, it really is you! Then again I don't know anyone else who walks out of the house without brushing their hair first."

"Yaku," Kuroo snickered as he turned to his old Nekoma friend. "Well look what the cat's dragged in. You're just as short as ever, aintcha?"

"And you're just as unclever. Short jokes? Is that the best you got?"

Both assholes smirked at one another before they clasped hands and slapped one another into the bro-iest of hugs. "It's good to see you again man, but what're you doing in Kyoto?"

"I'm here just for the weekend, but what are you doing here? Last I heard you were playing for some Russian league," Kuroo asked as he stepped back.

"I am, but I'm here on what my fiance calls a funnymoon." Yaku rolled his eyes. "I don't know where she comes up with this stuff, but it's a honeymoon before the wedding. Speaking of which! You're coming to the wedding, yeah?"

Kuroo raised a brow and grunted, "heh!? What wedding?"

"Dude I sent you an invitation last month. Do you still never check your mail?? Yuki and I are getting married, and I'd love for my old friend to be there."

Kuroo didn't mind being friendly with Yaku. It honestly was nice to see him again since the last time they talked in person was nearly four years ago when his and Luna's relationship ended explosively, but hearing him talk so casually about getting married to someone other than her brought up a lot of painful memories. Kuroo scratched his eyebrow with his thumb and looked around to make sure Luna nor Kenma was within earshot. "Yaku, man, I don't know how to say this, but I'm not real comfortable coming to your wedding."

Yaku glared at him and crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you talking about Tetsurō?"

"It's just that you know I've always been best friends with Luna, and with how things doesn't feel right to go support your relationship with someone else. I don't wish you or your beautiful fiance any ill will or anything. I hope you both live a long and happy life together, I just personally don't know if I want to be there since I know it'd hurt Lu."

"Luna? What does she have to do with our friendship? Come on Tetsurō, we've been friends just as long as you and she have. You're really going to choose one of us over the other?"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now