Chapter- 21 Rintarō's Home🍋

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After walking out of the dark gym together, they both agreed it was too late in the night to go out to go to a restaurant, so Suna invited her back to his place for the evening. A quick 20-minute drive later, Suna placed his hand on the small of her back as he guided her into the elevator, but the button to the top floor was already lit up meaning the security had plugged it in. "I'm surprised you live here, Rin!"

"Hmm? Why is that?"

"It's not a part of town I expected for you. Downtown seems to be a bit too high energy for you, and having a 24/7 security guard seems like a hurdle you'd find annoying after a long day."

Suna placed his arm around her shoulders to hold her a bit closer to him even though they were the only two in the elevator as they rode 40 floors up. 

"The only reason the guard talked to me tonight is because of you. Normally we have an understanding that they don't talk to me."

Luna giggled, "did you have to ask them not to say hello to you?"

"No, I just scowled at them enough times that they finally got the hint."

Suna felt proud to have caused the series of laughter that flowed out of the woman he was falling for. He stepped out and directly into his apartment. "No one can get up here without being on the access list, and even then they'll always call before sending someone up if I'm home."

"Can anyone come by when you're not here?" Luna asked as she walked into his industrial-looking home. 

"Atsumu somehow managed to get himself on that list without my knowing a few years ago. I came home one day to find him on my couch eating my popcorn, but after I dragged him out by his hair no one has tried that again." 

He watched as Luna dragged her fingertips along the long wall of exposed brick that led to the other two walls which were entirely windows. He had loved this place because of the views, but they had never looked more beautiful than they did right then because Luna was walking through the twinkling city night lights. 

He realized that while Atsumu lounging around his house bothered him, the idea of Luna being there didn't...he actually loved the idea of seeing her in his home, wearing his clothes, sharing meals with him, and simply being a part of his daily life.

"So I take it you've never had a roommate?" she asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

"I have a little sister who is ten years younger than me. Living with her for 8 years was enough to let me know that I did not want to room with the Miya twins after school." 

"Who on earth would ever want to live with them?!"

"Agreed," Suna deadpanned making her giggle. "I split rent with a friend of mine for a while to save up to buy this place. Kita was the perfect roommate, so I didn't mind living with him."

Suna wandered up and held her from behind again in a way they have both slowly begun to love. "What about you, beauty? Do you have any older brothers I need to worry about during the holidays or anything?"

"Already looking forwards to the holidays? What happened to a month?" Luna laughed even though her heart was practically playing jump rope in her chest. 

"The month is for you to choose me, but I already know what I want," Suna said in his low even voice. He kissed her neck and noticed her tripping pulse. "Hmm, you are very excited right now Luna. Are you alright?"

"You tell me you want can I not be a mess? I-"

Suna shook his head gently cutting her off. "You don't need to reply beauty. You have a month, so take your time. Besides, I'm content for the moment." To prove his point he placed a long kiss on her neck making her sigh in delight. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now