Chapter- 10 One Kiss

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Luna stared into those angled narrow eyes that seemed to penetrate right past all the walls she had built. Her breath got caught in her throat as her gaze bounced between his. She gave in for the slightest moment and imagined what it would be like to be with Suna, even just for a night. 

It had been so long since she had been with someone, and she wanted to feel the touch of another person. She could imagine how good his longer fingers felt as they delved into her wet and aching core. 

She could imagine the lewd faces Suna would make as he fucked her into her mattress. The naughty things he'd whisper in her ear as he deepened his thrusts. Suna absolutely screamed attentive yet controlling lover, and she wanted nothing more than to give into those desires and let him have his way with her body. 

Alas that obnoxious thing called responsibility nagged at her mind. 

Luna blushed and broke their connection. "I-I can't do that with you Suna... I'm sorry."

"Is it because of work?" He could feel how much she wanted him. He didn't even need to touch her to know that her body craved his. There was just something about her entire being that was calling out to his own, and it was more than typical physical attraction. He had never found someone that smelled as good as she did, nor heard someone whose voice made him pull up short the way hers did. 

"Work is one of the reasons. Me being tipsy is definitely another." Luna looked down at her fingers as she added, "I guess the biggest reason is that I feel a bit emotionally raw right now, and you'd end up falling into the category of 'rebound' because I'd only be using you for sex."

He didn't like the idea, but he offered, "what if it was just sex?"

Luna looked almost offended as she glared at him. "If that's all someone wanted from me, I wouldn't be wasting my breath on this conversation."

Before she could get out of his car, Suna reached over and acted on a single of his impulses. "Good thing I want more than that." He wrapped his hand around her throat and kept her still as he leaned across his car. Luna gave off the most adorable squeak right before Suna closed his eyes and pressed his lips to hers. 

Luna could smell the musk of his heavy cologne. The entire experience filled her mind as she relaxed against his searching kiss. She opened her mouth for him, and Suna's tongue delved into her mouth. It had been a very long time since someone kissed her with that much passion, and her excitement was growing by the second when she slipped her hands into Suna's soft hair and he moaned against her lips. 

He began to suck on her lip to ease back from their kiss. Suna swore under his breath as he placed his forehead to hers. "I didn't expect it to feel that good."

"Me either," Luna whispered breathlessly. "I should...I should go."

"I don't want you to."

Luna kissed the edge of Suna's lip once more before she pushed open the car door. "I don't want to either, but I need to."

Suna nodded understandingly. "Want me to walk you to your door?"

"I'm fine, Suna. Thank you for driving me home though," she murmured softly. 

Suna sighed. She was so fucking cute that it was killing him to not follow her inside her home and fuck her on that front door, but he just said, "Okay, I'll stay here until I'm sure you get in safe, yeah?"

Luna blessed him with one last sweet smile before she went inside her home. She gave Suna a wave, and he pulled away now that she was inside.

"Holy shit...that was one hell of a kiss," she muttered to herself while sliding down to sit on her stairs.  

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now