Chapter- 31 Camp🍋

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Saturday morning at 7 am.

"What do you mean Niiyama isn't here?"

The female volleyball captain slapped her hands together and said, "I'm so sorry!!! We had gotten everyone's RSVs yesterday, so we thought everything was fine. But last night she ate something that didn't agree with her. She's at the doctor's right now being treated for food poisoning. I'm so sorry!"

Luna pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay okay, no one panic. I can figure this out. Thank you captain, please go ahead and round up the other girls. I'll let you know what the plan is."

"I'm so sorrry!" she said as she jogged off to wrangle her teammates up.

Luna turned to handle her own idiots. Hinata and Bokuto were playing what suspiciously looked like a very aggressive form of patty cake, but it was keeping them busy so whatever. Sakusa was hiding in a corner. That just left Atsumu and Suna. Atsumu was talking to the side of Suna's face, and Suna was peacefully scrolling through his phone since he had gotten used to ignoring the Miya twins a long time ago.

At hearing Luna's approach though, Suna looked up. "What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing, I'm perfect! I got laid last night, so I'm feeling-"

"Not you", Suna hissed at Atsumu. He got to his feet and walked over to Luna who was mumbling to herself angrily. "What's going on?"

"One of our women's team players is sick, and she was supposed to be working with the high school girls."

"Atsumu can handle it by ourselves," Suna offered. Luna gave him a soft eyeroll. "What? You doubting me now, beautiful?"

"A little bit," Luna giggled. She scooped her hair up off her neck letting him see the love bites he had left the night before. He wanted to kiss them all over again, but Luna saw the lust in his eyes and whispered, "easy boy. You know we can't do that here."

Suna's eyes were hooded with desire as he looked down at Luna. "We could, but you'd have to be quiet."

"Stop it," she panted while finishing pulling her hair up in a high messy bun. "I have to do some damage control. I don't have time for that silliness!"

"Silliness!? What're we doing?" Bokuto asked for he assumed all forms of silliness included him.

"We aren't doing anything. I am going to go get changed while you boys go out there and say hello to your kids for the day."

"Changed?" Atsumu eyed her perfectly put-together pencil skirt outfit that was practically patented as hers.

"Yep! We're down a girl, and it's too late to call in a replacement."

"You're going to play...?" Sakusa asked in surprise.

Bokuto and Hinata both looked like emojis as their eyes and mouths fell open. Atsumu was too shooketh to speak, and Suna was absolutely dying to see his girl in a volleyball uniform.


Suna's greatest fears were confirmed when Luna walked out to the gymnasium. He had never given it much thought as to why the girls' shorts were basically spandex underwear, but he was genuinely contemplating putting in a formal complaint because no one had a right to look that fucking sexy in a borrowed volleyball uniform.

Luna was wearing the black jackal jersey that was a little long on her, so it almost covered most of the skintight microscopic shorts that cut into the softness of her plush thighs. She had black kneepads on both of her knees, and she was bouncing along in her tennis shoes.

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now