Chapter- 4 Get Out

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"I can't believe we talked you into coming out with us again!! Two nights in a row Tetsu! It feels like we're back in college," Bokuto slurred as he stumbled on stage.

After Lu ripped him a new one last night as she took care of his drunk ass, he wasn't in any mood to be around her or Kenma, who was still giving him the silent treatment. "I had so much fun last night with these pretty ladies, so I just had to come back," Kuroo hiccuped drunkenly when in reality he was just trying to avoid the feelings he had buried deep inside of himself.

Kuroo was deep in his cups as he slipped another bill into the stripper's g-string. She rubbed her ass against his crotch, but he was too drunk to feel anything. 

The Miya twins had their faces shoved in a few sets of boobs. Hinata was drunkenly passed out on another stripper's lap, and she was playing with his hair. 

Bokuto was up on stage twirling around the poll with a few of the other girls. 

The only one even slightly cognisant was Suna who was sipping his drink and watching the chaos unfold. 

He knew he'd have to round up the drunken volleyball players soon enough because the bouncers were starting to close up for the night, so he was very surprised when the front doors opened and closed. As the cold gust of night air tickled his neck, he turned around to see a familiar person march into the club. 

"Ohhhh Luna~" one of the girls nicknamed Candy shouted from up on stage. 

Kuroo's head instantly turned to see Luna, dressed in her oversized pajamas walking toward him. "L-Lu?" He couldn't get up because his head was spinning from intoxication coupled with the fact there was a woman grinding on his lap, and he didn't want to dump her on her ass. 

Luna ignored all the men in favor of the girls who were calling out for her. "Hey babes, how are you all doing?" She eyed the copious amounts of cash on the ground. "Looks like it was a good night!"

Candy kissed Bokuto's cheek, and the big bird crowed happily before going back to dancing with Gemma. She hopped off the stage and wrapped Luna in a huge hug. "I'm so glad you came by tonight. I have sooo much gossip to tell you!"

"I'm sorry honey, but I'm not here for that right now."

"Ohhh?" Candy gasped, "are one of these pretty boys your boyfriends?"

Luna sent a seethed glare at Kuroo. He wisely whispered something to the woman on his lap, and he got to his feet. Or at least he tried to. He tripped on his feet, and he face planted into the couch right next to Osamu who grunted, "Fuck off Kuroo. Ya already had your turn with her."

If she could become even more pissed off, Osamu's comment certainly kicked up her fire a notch. Ruefully she said, "No. None of these idiots are my boyfriends. I do need help getting them out of here safely though."

"All of them??" Candy pinched her hip playfully. "I didn't know you liked orgies!"

Luna genuinely laughed as booty bumped her acquaintance. "Stop it. You know it's not like that."

"I don't know anything," Candy teased with a wink. "I'll go get Kev for you. Just hang tight, yeah?"

Luna hummed in agreeance and made her way to the couch. She said hello to the rest of the girls before kindly asking them to give her some privacy. They all kissed her cheek as they left the private room. 

Now that they were alone, Luna placed two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly. Bokuto fell off the stage in fright, Hinata's head snapped up, and the twins instinctually punched one another thinking the other made the sound. 

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now