Chapter- 2 Work

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Luna Knight walked through the main gymnasium of the humongous athletic center with a clipped pace. She glanced over at her best friend and instantly rolled her bright white-blue eyes sky high.

Kenma Kozume could practically read her mind after a lifetime of friendship, so he didn't even look away from his phone as he sighed, "Do you have something to say to me, Luna?"

She mumbled petulantly, "I don't understand how you knew I was going to nag at you."

Kenma chuckled quietly, "I could feel your eyes on me. Besides, I've never heard you be quiet for longer than 20 seconds."

"Me?! You have the audacity to say that to me when we're best friends with that chickenhead?"

"Kuroo talks too much, and I didn't say you were worse than him. I just said you talk a lot.." She felt a sense of pride bloom in her heart knowing Kenma found her less obnoxious than their other friend, but the masochist was just toying with her emotions. Kenma's golden cat eyes peaked at her smiling face before he murmured, "you're both equally annoying."

Luna threw her hands up in exasperation. "And here I thought you were saying something nice to me!"

"You should have known better."

"Fuck you Kenma," Luna hissed. "You know what? I'm done with this conversation."

Luna lengthened her stride, and the loud clack of her high heels filled the momentary silence of the gymnasium as she strode away from Kenma who huffed, "Can you slow down? I don't understand how you walk so fast in those things."

"These?" Luna glanced down at her 5-inch glossy black pumps. "Pft. These are child's play. You should have seen the ones I wore last night. But if you can't keep up shorty, you can just say that."

Kenma instantly looked up from his video game as he was highly insulted by her, of all people, making comments about his height. "You're shorter than me."

"But I'm not the one getting left in the dust. Come on chibi-chan!"

Luna opened the door to the professional section of the gym, but she dropped the door on Kenma who made an oof sound as he was a bit behind her. Luna pulled out her phone to check her emails while continuing to strut away from him.

Kenma mentally cursed his second best friend. Kenma glanced at her pencil skirt-covered rear. Back in high school, she had been all awkward curves and tight sports bras trying to hide her body, but in the last five years, she had accepted that her sensuality was a large part of her power.

Ever since becoming the PR rep for Japan's pro team the Black Jackals, she had been rocking pencil skirts, ankle-breaking heels, and skintight black button-down blouses. Kenma would never tell it to her face, but he loved being a part of her life to see the duality of her personality. When she was at home or just with friends, she was all cuddly and adorable, but at work, she was nothing short of a badass bitch who ate men like Kuroo for breakfast.

It wasn't the clothes that Kenma was smitten with though. It was those damn eyes. 

Luna looked up from her phone, and those wide magnetic blue eyes looked back at him from atop her dimpled cheeks. Luna canted her head to the side, and her impossibly long ponytail fell over her shoulder as she noticed he hadn't caught up with her yet.

His heart clenched at seeing her look for him. "Kenma? You coming, sweetheart?"

Before he could trip over his own tongue at that adoring name, he saw a yellow and blue ball soaring up in the air following a loud spike.

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now