Chapter- 19 Learning🍋

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Luna relaxed onto Kenma's chest as they critiqued a scary movie. "Why does the chick never die first? I'd totally be toast if it was between the three of us."

"True," Kenma murmured as she fed him another piece of popcorn.

"I want to be arrogant enough to say I'd live the longest, but we all know it'd be Kenma," Kuroo sighed from his place between Luna's legs.

"As long as they don't make me run, I'm not really into cardio nowadays."

"When were you ever into cardio?! I had to drag you out of the house every day to make you go to practice?!!"

Luna giggled as Kenma explained, "I don't like to be out of breath. It's annoying."

Luna was going to make a sex joke, but her phone vibrated in her pouch pocket. She pulled it out, and Kenma watched as she smiled at her phone.


Hey beautiful, you know where you wanna go on Friday?

Luna knew Kenma was reading over her shoulder, so she said, "hey guys, I'm going on a date with Rin on Friday."

Kuroo grunted at her, but she knew it was the best she was going to get from that one.

Kenma however asked, "Will you be spending the night with him?"

"I don't know. We didn't even talk about that stuff yet. We've only kissed a few times! He asked me on a date today, but we hadn't decided what we're doing yet."

Neither man said anything, but she smiled when Kenma's hand slipped closer to her chest while Kuroo's lips began to press into her naked legs.

"If you do end up sleeping with him, remember the rules Luna," Kuroo warned in a dark voice.

"I told him about them, but y-you guys are being really distracting right now. Especially you Kenma."

Kuroo looked up to see that Kenma had slid his hand down the neck of Luna's hoodie. His fingers were dancing across her nipples as he frowned. At her comment, he pulled out his hand and pouted. "I just wanted to play."

"I know you do pudd'n. Let me give him a call, then we can play around as much as you want." Luna squeezed Kuroo's head affectionately before she rolled off the couch. Kenma liked it when she kissed him on the top of his head. "brb."

Kenma looked at Kuroo. "I don't like it."

"I don't either kitten... Wanna snuggle?"

Kenma poked out his bottom lip, sighed, and held his arms around in front of him grumpily.

Luna stepped out into the balcony and hissed when the freezing night air clung to her warm skin like the least pleasant train groper.

<<<<<<<<<<< Out Going call Rintarō🎑🖤 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Suna's voice was even deeper over the phone as he picked up on the second ring, "Luna?"

"Hey Rin!"

"Why are you calling me..are you okay?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Is it a bad time?"

Suna rolled over in his bed and put down his manga. He looked at the clock beside his bed. "No, it's still pretty early for me. I was just curious since I wasn't expecting your call."

"Well honestly I was watching a movie, and I didn't want to be rude by continuously pulling out my phone. Plus..." Suna waited patiently, and he was well rewarded when she shyly murmured, "plus I kind of wanted to hear your voice."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now