Chapter- 16 Kuroo🍋

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Kuroo entered the closet and found Luna standing there with just her bra and pencil skirt on, and she was fighting with the zipped that was running along her hip. 

"Come on kitty, move aside and let daddy help you," Kuroo purred making her try and repress her smirk. 

"It's not sexy if you call yourself that."

"Really?" He stepped up behind her and placed his chin on the top of her head as his fingers expertly worked her zipper. "I thought you had a daddy kink?"

"Perhaps I do, but I'm not calling you that right now." He unzipped her skirt, and she stepped away from him despite how much he loved her being under him. 

"You going to keep standing there, or are you going to let me get changed?"

"I'm perfectly comfortable right here," Kuroo chuckled as he leaned against the doorframe. he crossed his ankles and watched Luna glare at him defiantly. 

"I want to change into my jammies Tetsurō. Can you please leave?"

Kuroo was still unsure where they stood, so he asked, "is that what you want Lu?"

Luna's heart and mind were screaming two very different things as she looked at the man standing in her closet. Kuroo had one of his golden eyes hidden beneath his mass of black messy hair, and his long body was practically screaming for her to climb him like a tree. However he was holding out on being the flirt she knew him to be, and she could feel the insecurity in their relationship flowing between them. 

It probably wasn't appropriate to have this conversation when she was essentially undressed, but somehow it felt like the perfect time for them because they were both vulnerable. 

"I know I went too far by pushing you, but I hate that you brought up that topic just to hurt me. It makes me scared that the next time you get mad at me again, you'll bring him into it."

"You were pushing me so that I would own up to my feelings and stop lying to myself. You didn't do anything wrong, and even if you did it doesn't give me the right to say what I did. I know it's worth much, but I am sorry for all the shit I said." Kuroo canted his head to the side showing her both of his sorrow-filled eyes. "You know I never, fucking never, want to hurt you, right Lu?"

Meakly she said, "I know you don't, Tetsurō. Kenma and you, y'all are dating now?" She gave him a small shy smile, "I'm really happy for you guys. I guess my push was kinda worth it after all?"

Kuroo shook his head causing more of his hair to fall in front of his face. "it's not worth it if we don't have you, flower. We talked about it, and if us dating is too much of a stressor on this friendship we'll go back to being friends because neither of us is willing to lose you."

"What type of friend would I be if I let you two break up for my sake? You've loved Kenma for years Tetsurō. I'm not letting you give that up! I just got your stubborn ass to realize how you feel," she said on a soft chuckle. 

"You didn't just make me realize how I feel about him."

Luna's heart clenched as Kuroo pushed off the wall. He walked over to her, and she felt like her heart was going to explode at him being so close to her. Kuroo had a way of making her feel safer than she ever had. His broad shoulders were an impenetrable wall that shielded her from the entire world as he protected her from experiencing anything other than his touch. 

"We need you, Luna. We need you by our sides because Kenma and I aren't complete without you."

"A-as a friend?"

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now