Chapter- 35 A Very Busy Morning🍋

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Suna still weighed heavily on Luna's mind as the morning rolled around, but she still wasn't quite ready to face her own feelings yet.

Luna woke up bright and early due to the chirping of birds, but unlike usual when she stretched out her sore body, this morning she realized she was incapable of moving. Luna giggled as she looked at her compromised position. Her entire upper half was strewn across Kuroo's big chest while Kenma had wrapped himself around her back like a vine, and she loved it a little too much. The warmth that Kuroo's body provided contradicted the coolness of Kenma's and the duality of both was making her body begin to wake up.

They hadn't done more than kiss last night, so she was still pretty wound up. Feeling Kenma's dick lying against the seam of her ass was not helping either. She knew it was likely impossible, but she at least wanted to try and get up without waking both of them up.

As soon as she began to move though, she felt Kenma's lips meet her bare shoulders. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I was going to go shower and make breakfast for everyone." She had tried to keep her voice even, but her breathlessness gave her away.

Kenma hummed nonchalantly, but the hands that were resting on her stomach began to wander down lower toward her sex. "Tell me, were you going to finger yourself in the shower?"

Luna moaned when Kenma's finger began to press against her clit. "Yeah, I-I'm really horny this morning Kenma."

"You need to learn Luna. You need to understand that we are here to take care of you, so will you let me?" Kenma's finger began to press inside her pussy. "Will you let me take care of your body?"

"Yes," was all she could say as she relaxed back against Kenma's chest. He loved holding her while his finger began to push in and out of her body. He ground his hardening cock along her ass in time with his fingers, and Luna opened her knees wider for his seeking hand. Kenma's dick began to get wet when she dragged her leg over his letting his shaft press into her sex. "You're so warm, I like feeling you like this," Kenma moaned as the tip of his dick pressed against his fingers making them go deeper.

Both of them were so caught up in the moment it wasn't until a large hand holding a condom appeared in front of Luna's face that she realized. Kuroo looked at them both with a cocked eyebrow. "Kenma. You know the rules."

Kenma grumbled something illegible as he snatched the condom away from Kuroo. "You really are naughty, aren't you flower?"

Kuroo's hand reached over and brought her lips to his. She sighed in delight as Kuroo kissed her. Kenma slapped her hand away from her sex so that he could begin to slide himself inside. She whimpered needily as Kenma teased her by only putting in his head. "I love the sounds you make kitty. Does Kenma's dick feel good inside of that pretty little pussy?"

Luna nodded as she bit her lip in joy. Kenma began thrusting inside of her opening her out, and his finger was hovering over her clit bumping it every time he thrust inside of her. Luna arched her back and gave in to the feeling. Kuroo began sucking on her nipples as Kenma pounded against her back. His fingers became rougher on her clit, and he said to Kuroo, "bite them."

Kuroo's teeth clamped around Luna's nipples, and she began to reach her high. Kenma's breath hitched as she forced his own orgasm. "You love feeling how amazing that pussy feels strangling your cock, don't you kitten," Kuroo purred as he watched both of their lewd reactions.

Luna panted against Kuroo's chest while Kenma carefully pulled out. "That felt so good Kenma."

"It really did," he breathed while collapsing on the bed next to them.

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now