Chapter- 5 Safe and Sound

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Luna felt numb as she pulled up to the gymnasium. She parked right behind the taxis. Sometimes it was so much easier to focus on a task rather than reflecting on the turmoil within one's own heart, and that form of avoidance was exactly what Luna leaned into. 

Her task: getting her players inside and safe.

Luna hopped out of her car and paid for the taxis as the men tumbled out of the cars. Once the fee was settled, she left a generous tip hoping that whatever had occurred in the vehicles would remain out of the media. 

"Come on Hinata, give me your hands hun," she coached as she practically dragged the middle blocker out of the vehicle. 

"I cannnn'tttt," he whined while collapsing back on the seat. 

Luna put her foot on the side of the door for some added leverage. She grit her teeth and pulled harder. "Come on you oversized toddler. Get up!"

Despite her best efforts, she wasn't going to be pulling the lean muscle-laden male anywhere. "Move it pretty chickie, I got him," Bokuto chuckled. 

"Bokuto, are you still tipsy? I don't want you to accidentally drop him. We do kind of need him for the upcoming game."

"Heheh you said 'kinda'." Bokuto gently guided her shoulders away until she was out of his way. "Let's go shrimpy!"

"I'm not a shrimp!" Hinata complained as Bokuto reached in and tossed the man over his wide shoulders. 

"Are you a prawn?"

Luna looked over her shoulder at Suna, who was snickering at his quietly murmured joke. He hadn't expected anyone to hear him, so he blushed slightly and looked away. "Since you're sober enough to make a cute joke, you're getting him."

Luna pointed to Osamu, who was completely draped over his twin. Atsumu was underneath him snoring rather loudly. 

"Did you just call me cute Luna Knight?" Suna asked saucily as he raised a single dark brow. 

"I'm about to have to carry an over 6-foot-tall pro volleyball player up to bed. I'm not in the mood to flirt with you Suna," she deadpanned making him snort a laugh. 

"Fair enough." He looked at the twins. "You sure you want me to take Osamu? Atsumu is arguably the more difficult of the two."

"Definitely," she said confidently as she rolled up her sleeves.

"Alright PR Rep, let's see you work your magic then," his praise made her nose scrunch nervously. He found the action adorable, but he distracted himself by reaching down for Osamu. "Up you go Miya."

Osamu didn't even wake up as Suna practically dragged him to his feet. Suna swore like a sailor under his breath as he managed to pick him up. She momentarily left Atsumu on the ground to open the door for Suna. "Bokuto, honey, follow Suna to the elevator."

Bokuto was in full Happy Owl mode at her calling him honey, so he practically skipped with joy while carrying Hinata he followed Suna. 

She turned her attention back to Atsumu. "I knew all that damn experience with the frat brothers would come in handy one day. Cheesus, I didn't realize how ripped he was," she muttered to herself as she found his sternum buried beneath the copious cords of the rock-hard muscle of his chest. 

"Here goes nothing."

Luna rubbed her knuckles over Atsumu's sternum a few times as hard as she could. He groaned loudly and tried to slap away her hand. "Fuck off 'Samu. Shit hurts."

The Men Who Love Her (Kuroo x Kenma x Suna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now