i fucked up~rafe

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summary: you try to break up with rafe, but he had a different mindset
(not smut sorry)

y/n's pov:

rafe and me weren't working out. he wasn't physically abusive, i knew he would never hurt me but mentally- that was a different story. he would be so manipulative and always guilt trip me, make me feel like the bad guy. i would cry myself to sleep, trying to convince myself he was a good guy.

in reality he wasn't, he needed help and i think if i break up with him it will help him focus on himself. at least thats what im trying to convince myself.

i was currently sitting on his bed while he was sitting beside me, on his phone.

i was trying to build up the courage to say something.

after another minute i clear my throat. "um.. rafe?" i say. "yeah, baby?" he says. fuck his voice is even so hot.

"i-we need to talk about something.. serious.." i say. he sets down his phone and looks at me with curiosity. "whats up?" he asks.

"i-well-i- we need to break up.." i blurt out. he just stairs at me with shock for a couple seconds.

"y-you're kidding right?" he says as he stands up. "um.. no.." i say.

he rubs his eyes as he takes a breath. "u-um why?" he asks.

"we're not good for each other..it's not like it used to be." i say as i look to the floor. "thats such bullshit." he says.

"do you just not love me anymore- just with a snap of your fingers and boom now im nothing to you? are you seeing someone else? do you like someone else? is that it?!" he says. "what? no!" i yell.

"don't fucking lie to me y/n!" he yells. "i-im not what the hell rafe!" i yell.

"you- you know you're all that i have, right? you know you're the only person who has ever showed me love and now you just wanna leave?!" he yells.

tears prick in my eyes, "im sorry- im sorry i dont know what else to do." i say as i nod my head.

he raises his hand making me flinch out of instinct, only for him to brush his hand through his hair. fuck.

"so what now you think i would hurt you?!" he says, getting more and more frustrated.

"no! no rafe i know you wouldn't! it was just reflex i do that with everything- everyone does!" i say.

"you- fuck y/n all i ever do i make sure you are taken care of, make sure you are safe, make sure you fucking eat and sleep and all i do is love you what the fuck is this?!" he says as tears also prick in his eyes.

"im sorry i thought this would be good for us- good for you!" i say.

"how the actual fuck, is leaving me ganna be good for me, huh?! how is the only person that makes me happy, leaving, ganna be good for me? fucking explain that to me!" he says.

"i dont know!" i say as i wipe away the tears that fall.

he walks over to a drawer and grabs a box, throwing it at me.

i open it and see a beautiful diamond ring, one that i talked about, saying it was gorgeous. my mouth fell open.

"i-i had it all planned out. i was ganna take you back to that restaurant we met at, and we were ganna eat dinner there- a-and then i fucking rented a hot air balloon which was crazy expensive by the way- so we could go up and i could get down on one knee in the sky, a-and i- sarah helped me plan everything- fuck i was so exited." he says.

i feel terrible.

"rafe im so sorry i feel so bad." i say. "it's whatever y/n" he sighs.

a tear falls down his cheek which he quickly wipes.

"just leave." he mumbles as he stands up. "im so sorry i feel terrible rafe." i say. i hated seeing him cry.

"just leave before i do something i regret." he says as he takes a deep breath.

"ra-" he interrupts me "get out y/n! now!" he yells.

i place the ring on his bed stand and wipe my tears away as i walk out.

what have i done.

i can hear him yell in the room, and a loud noise, im assuming he either threw something or punched the wall.

as i walk down the spiral stairs i see sarah run after me.

"hey, y/n! wait!" she says as she runs down the stairs.

when she sees my red puffy eyes and hears rafe in hus room she knows somethings wrong.

"did you say no?" she asks with a frown. "worse-im so stupid." i say. "what happened?" she asks.

"i fucked up."is all i say as i walk out of the camerons house.

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