Looks I Give~Rafe

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My friend Kelce was inviting some people over, for a little hang in the basement, and I was there along with, him, Sarah, Topper, Rafe, and a couple other people , Sofia, Some blonde girl that I didn't know, and Barry. (In this Barry is friends with them all)

Everyone was dressed down, just hanging out, drinking and playing games.

We all had blankets and pillows everywhere, beer cans and snacks all over.

I laid in a blanket on the pull out bed with Sarah, a bag of chips in the middle as Everyone else played video games, practically screaming.

Although I couldn't keep my eyes off Rafe... the way he was wearing grey sweatpants and how his body looked ever so fucking good in that black compression shirt... and how Sofia and that blonde girl were all over him.

Me and Rafe weren't anything but we always jokingly flirted and to be honest acted more like a couple then friends. I know I shouldn't be jealous but the way Sofia kept laughing, placing her hands on him and the other girl kept leaning on him, cheering every time he got a kill in the game made me want to throw up.

"Y/n... you good?" Sarah asked. "What? Yeah i'm good!" I said. "You seemed nervous." She giggled. "Oh.." I laughed awkwardly.

"Is it cold or is it just me?" I asked, rubbing my arms. "Just you girl." She laughed.

"I'm ganna go look to see if I can borrow one of Kelce's hoodies." I said. "Okay." She smiled.

I got up and walked over to Kelce who had just finished in a round of Mario carts, and was currently sitting on the couch.

"Kelce it's fucking cold is the AC on?" I asked. "No? I can get you a sweater if you wanted?" He asked. "Please do." I laughed. "Coming right up." I smiled at him as he got up and left to walk up stairs.

I sat on the couch, where he was previously sitting, Sofia beside me and Rafe beside her.

"It is cold," She agreed with me, "Rafe did you bring a hoodie or something?" She asked. "Um no.. actually, Y/n did you bring your car here?" Rafe asked me. "Yeah why?" I asked. "I accidentally left a hoodie in there from awhile ago, could you go get it for me, I'm getting kinda cold." He said. "Sure." I nodded.

I saw the disappointment on Sofia face when he said he wanted the hoodie for himself.

Kelce walked back in, handing me the hoodie. "Thank you." I smiled, pulling it on over my head. 

"I'll go get your hoodie." I told Rafe. "Ill come with, I wanna smoke 'n cant make Kelces house smell." He said, getting up from between the two girls. "Okay" I nodded.

Me and Rafe began to walk up the stairs, and outside the front door. We walked to my car and I opened the trunk, grabbing his hoodie, handing it to him.

"Oh, I'm actually not cold.. just wanted an excuse to get away from those fucking random ass girls who were like suffocating me." He said, making me let out a laugh.

I threw his hoodie back in the car and shut the truck.

He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it before pressing it against his lips, inhaling for a moment before blowing out smoke.

"Want some?" he offered me, "I'm okay." I gave him a smile.

"So um if you're not cold why not let Sofia have your hoodie?" I asked. "Y/n that's basically yours. I left it on the car so you could have it I dunno why you even asked Kelce for his." He said, crossing his arms as he let the smoke out of his mouth, making me stair at his arms in his compression shirt.

"Oh I didn't know that." I said. "You don't seem to notice a lot of things, huh?" He said. "What are you talking about." I laughed.

"Well you didn't seem to notice the help me look I have been giving you all night." He said, making me laugh. "Rafe come on, if you don't like at least one of them, why lead them on?" I asked.

"Im not fucking leading them on! I was trying to play that game with Kelce 'n they were like making me lose pulling on my arms and shit." He said, and I couldn't keep my laughter inside. "It's really not funny!" He said.

"Anyways who invited them?!" He said. "Um hello?? You told Kelce to invite Sofia and he told her to bring a friend!" I said. "Fuck.. I forgot." He said. "Of course you did, you have the memory of a goldfish." I said making him roll his eyes.

I couldn't stop staring, the grey sweatpants, black compression shirt, grown out buzz, everything was perfect and he looked phenomenal.

"You know I can see you looking at my arms." The smirk on his face killed me. "What? I was not!!" I tried to hide the shade of red my face got.

"Its okay, stair all you want, I don't mind." He said, "I wasn't staring!" I said. "Say all you want I saw you." He grinned.

"I literally wasn't." I rolled my eyes. "Sure Y/n" He laughed, the embarrassment was eating me alive.

"Dont be embarrassed," He teased, seeing the blush on my cheeks. "It's cute." He said. "What's cute?" I asked.

"You staring me up and getting all embarrassed." He laughed. "Rafe stop it!" I said. "See, that! It's pretty damn cute." He said.

"Seriously stop being annoying." I laughed. "Proving my point." He said.

"Whatever, you're done smoking let's go back inside." I started to walk towards the house.

"No way." He grabbed my hand and stopped me, not letting go when I stopped walking. "Hm?" I asked. "I wanna stay out here for a bit, need some air." For some odd reason he didn't let go of my hand. "Oh, okay." I nodded.

"So you been talking to any guys?" He asked. "No I literally suck at it, Im sooo awkward." I sighed. "Not around me?" He asked. "Yeah well Ive known you forever, and even when we weren't friends I saw you all the time because of Sarah, so it's not that scary around you." I said.

"Not that scary? Its still kinda scary?" He laughed. "No I-well kinda" I laughed. "Why's that? I make you nervous?" he asked.

"What is with you and embarrassing me right now." I laughed. "No you don't, you're just a guy and they're scary." I said. "Well you don't have to be embarrassed.. I mean its just too easy you get all shy and blush-y so fast." He said. "Mhm." I shrugged.

"I could tell you were jealous.. I saw the looks you were giving when Sofia and her friend were all over me. You may not of noticed the looks I wad giving you but Y/n I see every look you give me. I see when you think you're slick checking me out and the jealousy on your face when Im with other girls." He said. "Rafe I-I wasn't jealous." I said.

"Come on admit if Y/n.. because I wanna admit something too." He said. "Whats that?" I asked. "Not telling you until you admit you were jealous, and no point denying it I already know." He said.

"Fine.. fine I might of been a tiny fucking bit jealous." I said. "Okay my turn, I wanna admit that I get jealous every time you're around another guy. I fucking hate that you're in Kelces hoodie, and even asked him for one. I love when you get all smiley and try and hide your face, if I could look at you all day I would. I hate that you haven't understood any of the looks I get you or don't notice when I very unsubtly check you out because I want you to know how bad I want you! Well.. now you do know I guess.." He said.

"You really feel like that? This isn't like a joke?" I said. "No it is not a friken' joke!" I said. "I like you Rafe.. like a lot." I smiled.

"Then I hope you wont mind me kissing you?" He grinned. "Not one bit." And with that he cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips against my own.

a/n: this is from last year, and I finally decided to post it 😭

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