Break up, make up~Rafe

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Pope had been like a little brother to me ever since I first met him and the pogues in middle school. We were all really close friends but drifted a bit as we went to different schools for high school, them going to the normal high school and I went to kook academy.

We still talked but our group face times slowly became 'how are you' texts every once in a while when I began dating Rafe.

So I was surprised to say the least when I got a phone call one day, from Pope. I was a year older then them and did really good in school and used to help with homework. He was super stressed, telling me he needed to ace his next final if he wanted a chance at his scholarship but it wasn't looking so good and asked if I could help him study, I didn't mind at all so of course I said yes.

He told me he was at John B's and to come over as soon as I could. I got in my car, and drove to the cut.

Once I reached John B's I was honestly a little nervous because I wasn't close with them anymore, but I walked up to the front door, snd knocked. To my shock, when I knocked the door just flung itself open, revealing the pogues.

John B laying on the couch, cold pizza in his hand, Kiara making a turtle necklace, JJ laying on the floor, smoking a blunt and Pope with his head in his hands, papers everywhere.

"Hi.." I said. They all looked my way, and to my surprise had smiles on their faces.. except Pope who was more than stressed. "Yo" John B said. "Hi Y/n!!" Kiara said. "Ahold the kook princess!! Wow I feel honoured should I bow?" JJ said jokingly making me laugh.

"Thank God you're here, Pope's been freaking the fuck out" Said John B. I took a seat next to Pope and looked at all his papers. "Pope don't even worry I promise I'll help you get prepared" I said. He looked at me and spoke. "This shit's too difficult" He said. "I mean I passed the class, so Im sure I can help" I said.

"Wait hold up before y'all get all nerdy let's chat a bit. Y'know catch up." JJ said making me and Kie laugh from his dumb wording.

"My first question, how's the kook king okay with you being here? Like isn't he having a fit?" Said JJ. "Uhh.. I didn't tell him? I mean I didn't see a need, I'm just coming to help a friend study" I said, making JJ, John B, and Kie look at each other.

"A friend who is very in need" Pope mumbled. "Y/n.. when the poor kid finds out he's ganna have a fucking heart attack" Said John B. "What?! No he's not" I said.

"Girl do you know your man? In what universe would he be okay with you hanging out with pogues??" Said Kiara. "Well when you put it that way.. maybe he will be a little mad but he'll have to deal with it" I shrugged.

"Okay yappa yappa, maybe time to help the one in need?!" Pope said making me laugh with a nod.

The pogues ended up going out for a surf while I helped Pope study and it took a solid two hours before he felt ready and they invited me to stay awhile, saying they were going to have s'mores by the fire in the backyard, and I agreed, realizing I missed my old friends.

I was sat beside Kiara, as she filled me in on all the drama going on at their school, and I filled her in on mine as the boys fought over some dumb stuff.

I heard my phone ding and this is when I started getting worried.

Rafe💘: Hi

Rafe💘: Care to explain why its 9pm and ur location says ur at John Bs ?? Lol

Rafe💘: U ganna answer me or what??

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