Injuries part 2

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Rafe did end up falling asleep and so did I but what I didn't expect was him waking me up, shaking my body saying, "Who the fuck are you?"

I opened my eyes, looking at him with confusion . "Get off me." He said. "I-Rafe stop playing around!" I said.

"Who are you?" He said. "Stop it Rafe, you're scaring me." I said. "Get off of me!" He said.

I got off of the little bed and stood there looking at him. "This isn't funny Rafe, please stop." I said. "Stop what?!" He said.

"I-I'm going to get the doctor!" I sucked in tears as I practically ran out the room.

I walked the closest doctor I could find and they told Rafes doctor what was going on.

The doctor told me it would be better if I waited in the waiting room until they called me so I agreed, waiting and waiting.

After around an hour the doctor called my name, telling me this was common with concussions and I should take him home and let him rest because his brain needed rest right now.

I nervously walked back in the room, Rafe was just laying there.

"Rafe they said I can take you home.." I said. He stared at me blankly and it broke my heart to see him look at me with nothing but blankness in his eyes.

"I-I know you cant remember me right now. I-I'm sorry you're probably so annoyed and confused. I'm your girlfriend. My name is Y/n. You were supposed to come over today but you got hurt playing football. The doctor said your concussion and memory loss will get better on its own, and faster with the more rest so Im ganna take you home so you can see." I say. All he said back was, "K"

He got out of his bed and gripped on to me, feeling a bit dizzy. "Careful my love." I said, holding on to him. "M'head hurts." He groaned.

"I know, I'm sorry. Come on lets get home fast." I said, helping him walk out.

We signed out at the front desk and walked to my car, I helped him in before getting in to the drivers seat.

"Rest your eyes." I said as I began driving. "You really my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yeah? Why would I lie?" I said.

"I dunno.. you-you're just really pretty." He said, shrugging. My cheeks burnt up. "Rest Rafe stop making me blush and go to sleep." I tried to stop smiling.


We made it to his house and I rang the door bell. A confused Ward opened the door. I explained everything to him and he thanked me for helping his son, helping me get Rafe up to his room as he could barely keep his eyes open.

Ward then left, and Rafe sat on the bed.

"You okay if I help you change?" I made sure to make sure he was comfortable with it before taking off his clothes.

"Oh please do." He grinned. "Shut up." I laughed.

I helped him strip off his shirt, and pants, leaving him in his boxers as he crawled under the covers.

I got in beside him, trying to not touch him at all as he closed his eyes, trying to sleep.

I couldn't sleep, so I just went on my phone all night, until 9am, when Rafe woke up. "You've been up all night, pretty girl?" He asked.

"Couldn't sleep." I shrugged. "You want breakfast? I can go make something." I said. "No no I'm fine." He said.

"You want coffee or tea? Or water?" I asked. "Some water would be great actually." He said.

I hopped out of bed and walked down to the kitchen, filling a glass with water before bringing it back to Rafe.

"Thank you angel." He said. "No problem." I said.

I knew he still couldn't remember me but all these pet names he was using was giving me a little hope.

"You should get some more sleep. The doctor said the more you sleep the faster you will get better." I said. "Uh what do you mean?" He asked.

"You're memory." I said. "My memory is fine baby." He said. "What? It's better?!" I said.

"I don't remember it being gone? I thought I just had a concussion I don't remember losing my memory." He said.

"Oh my god Rafe! When did we start dating?" I asked. "February 17, 2022." He said. "I-What's my favourite flower?" I asked. "Roses. But not the red ones the pink ones." He said.

"Rafe!" I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Careful angel, my head is still pounding." He let out a laugh. "Oh I'm sorry I-I'm just so happy!" I said.

He kissed my lips, pulling away to speak. "I think I know what'll make me feel better.." He said, grinning as he played with the waist band of my pants.

"No, no, no. The doctor said you need to rest!" I said. "Baby I promise you I would be most relaxed, with you on top of me, God please just ride me." He said.

"Absolutely not, when you're better we can have as much sex as you could possibly want.. for now, get your ass to sleep, your brian needs rest to fix your concussion." I said. "Hm." He huffed.

He leaned over and pressed a kiss on to my lips once more, before resting his head on my chest, trying to go back go sleep.

Rafe did end up falling asleep and so did I but what I didn't expect was him waking me up, shaking my body saying, "Who the fuck are you?"

"Rafe don't fucking play with me right now." I said, worry clear through my voice, "M'just joking princess." He laughed.

"Ha ha ha, so not funny." I said.

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