Get out of the car~Rafe

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A/n: toxic n crazy is all im ganna say

Me and Rafe were at some party at the boneyard. I was simply, getting a drink at the same time JJ was but Rafe immediately assumed I was flirting with him. He saw him hand me a cup and lost his shit, stomping his ass over.

He took the cup out of my hands and threw it to the floor. "What the hell?" I said. He grabbed my hand and just began walking away.

"Rafe what the fuck?!" I said as I struggled to keep up with his pace.

He didn't speak until we made it all the way to his truck. "Get in, we're leaving." He said.

"Why are you being crazy?!" I said as I got in, and put on my seatbelt. "Are you actually joking Y/n?" He said as he started to drive. "No?! What just happened?!" I said.

"Don't act all innocent, like I didn't just see my girlfriend throwing herself onto JJ fucking Maybank!" He said. "Throwing myself onto him? Rafe you're crazy! He only handed me a cup because he had 3 in his hand!" I said.

"I saw the way you were twirling your frikin' hair and smiling at him! You were staring at him like you were ganna suck his shit!" Rafe yelled. "I was not! I barely even looked at him! You're literally being such an asshole I don't know even wanna talk to you right now!" I said.

He slammed his foot on the brakes. "Don't wanna talk to me, huh? You'd rather talk to your other fucken' pogue boyfriend wouldn't you? Thats just fine princess. Get out." He said. "What?!" I looked at him with shock.

"You heard me, get out of the car. You can walk back to your house." He said. "You're actually joking?! It's almost 1am and Its like over an hour walk back to figure 8! Im ganna get lost!" I said.

"You didn't seem to have a problem talking to Maybank before, Im sure he wouldn't mind taking you back to his place for the night!" He said. I could tell he must of been really damn high because he was acting like a maniac as he leaned over, opening my door.

I seriously couldn't believe him. With disbelief I hopped out of his truck and watched as he sped off.

Tears filled my eyes, as I thought about what to do. It would be so humiliating to call someone and say 'My boyfriend went coo coo and kicked me out of the car' I thought about who to call for at least two minutes before calling Sarah, praying to God she was awake.

It rang a couple times before she picked up. "Y/n?" She said sleepily. "Hi Sarah.. Im so sorry but could you come pick me up? Im on the side of the road at Goesren road" I said. "What the hell? Yes. Im leaving the house right now! Are you okay??" She asked. "Im fine, Rafe kinda freaked out and kicked me out the car.. Long story Ill tell you when I see you." I said. "Im coming as fast as I can." She said, and I could hear her car start.

"Thank you, drive safe." I told her as we hung up.

I hugged my body, rubbing my arms as it was late at night and I was getting really cold.

I really hope Sarah can get here fast.

Just as I was about to sit down a truck was driving towards me, getting slow as it got closer. Just as I was about to freak out I realized it was Rafe.

He rolled his window down, "Get in." He said. "What the actual fuck?! Go away, asshole!" I yelled. He turned off his car and jumped out, walking over to me. "Just get in Y/n!" He said, trying to put his jacket around my shoulders but I pushed it off of me throwing it onto the floor, I would rather freeze then accept his shit right now.

"Are you kidding me Rafe?! You kicked me out of your car and left me on this random ass road in the middle of the night! I could of gotten fucking kidnapped!" When I started talking, I felt a few rain drops and by the time I was done talking it was pouring rain.

"I know, I know! Im a fucken' idoit Y/n, you-you know me I get crazy sometimes.. I was just thinking about you and JJ and I lost my shit!" He said.

"There is no 'Me and JJ' okay?! Absolutely nothing Rafe!" I screamed at him.

The rain was really getting to us, my dress uncomfortably sticking to my body and Rafe's white t-shirt sticking to his, going see through, both of our hairs soaking wet and I could bet there was mascara running down my face.

"I know! I fucking know! Just get in the car you're ganna get sick, you barely have anything on!" He said. "Why did you kick me out just to come back?" I said, hoping he wouldn't notice my tears with the rain.

"I-I don't know why I kicked you out! I just got so jealous and crazy I know, I just-you make me crazy like that Y/n! I think of you and another guy and instantly wanna kill him! A-and I didn't realize how terrible kicking you out like that was, Im sorry I came back as fast as I could praying nothing happen to you, and you didn't actually call JJ!" He said.

I hated him so much right now, I was so mad but the way he looked, wet from the pouring rain, and the way his voice was practically trembling as he spoke, made me roughly pull him down by the collar, of his shirt and roughly kiss him.

He kissed me back just as hard, his hands cupping my face before I pulled away, and shoved his body back away.

"Never do that shit again Rafe!" I yelled. "Cross my heart" He said before kissing me again, only for me to slightly pull my face away from his.

"Sarah's on her way.." I said. "M'dont care." He said, grabbing my jaw and kissing me again.

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