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Me and Rafe have been together for 2 and a half years and recently, I think he has been hinting at something...


"Babe, you haven't gotten your nails done in forever, I wanna pay for you to get them, you're always so happy when you have them done." He said.

I didn't think anything of it, Rafe was one to do stuff like this.

"No its okay, I don't wanna make you pay for my nails." I laughed. "No, really its not a problem." He grabbed his card out of his wallet and handed it to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes Y/n" He laughed. "Thank you Rafe." I smiled, kissing his lips before excitingly leaving.


The next day, I was sitting at home in my room when my mom walked in. "Hi honey." She said walking in with bags.

"Hi." I looked up from my phone with a smile.

She handed me a bag. "Whats this?" I asked. "Open it babes" She said.

I opened the bag, and my face lit up seeing the dress I had been wanting for literally months. "Mom! Thank you!" I stood up to hug her. "You're so welcome." We pulled away, both smiling ear to ear.

"How'd you know I wanted this? A-and it was so expensive!" I said. "Rafe told me you wanted it, and he wanted to buy it for you, he just asked me to give it to you since he couldn't see you today, but I told him I wanted to buy it." She said.

My face heated up, "Thank you mama." I smiled.


It was only a little later when I face timed Rafe. "Hey Y/n" He smiled, picking up the phone. "Hi!! Where are you?" I asked, seeing he was outside.

"I just hiked up this mountain with Top and Kelce." He said. "Hi Y/n" Topper and Kelce waved.

"Oh hi!! Sorry, you can get back to your friends." I said. "It's okay, whats up." He said.

"Just wanted to say thank you.. about the dress." I said. "You're mom paid for it." He said.

"Well, I know but its the thought that counts." I said. He let out a laugh, "You're welcome baby." He said. I smiled before saying, "Call me tonight, get back to your friends." I said. "Okay, okay, bye I love you." He smiled. "I love you more." I said as I hung up.


It was around 9pm when my phone dung, a face-time from Rafe. "Hi!" I smiled. "Hey." His smile lit up my screen.

"How was your day with Kelce and Topper?" I asked. "Alright, kinda boring to be honest, what about you?" He asked.

"Yeah it was alright, I mean I didn't do anything but having my nails done did make me feel prettier." I laughed. He also let out a laugh, "Im glad." He smiled.

"Thank you soo much about the dress!" I said. "Babe thank your mom." He said. "I will, but you deserve some credit too." I laughed.

"So.. tomorrow, you free?" He asked. "Always free for you.. what do you wanna do?" I asked. "Well, I was thinking about dinner? Somewhere fancy so you can wear your new dress." He smirked. "I would lovee that." I smiled.

"Okay, 6pm, ill pick you up, be ready." He said. "Okayy!! I love you, goodnight, Im gonna go to bed." I said. "Goodnight Y/n I love you." He said as we hung up.


The next day it was around 4pm and I started to get ready. Rafe said we were going somewhere fancy so I wanted to take my time on my hair and makeup.

Once I was done I put on my dress and a pair of heels and went downstairs.

"Wow babe you look beautiful where are you heading?" Said my mom. "Rafe's taking me out." My cheeks heated up. "Wow hunny, have fun and, take pics for us." My dad said. "Thank you both." I smiled.

With that, there was a knock on the front door. I walked over and opened it, Rafe had on a suit, and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Oh my gosh Rafe!! You look so amazing" I said.

He handed me my flowers and pulled me in for a quick hug, "You look stunning." He said. "Thank you, and thank you for the flowers!" I said. "You're welcome." He said.

"Aw you guys are too sweet, let me take a pic!" My mom smiled.

Rafe nodded with a laugh, "Hey Mrs and Mr. Y/l/n" He said. "Oh son, we told you to call us by our names." My dad laughed.

My parents both took out their phones. Me and Rafe side hugged for the pictures.

"Okay, we're ganna let you guys go! Have so much fun!" Said my mom. "Thank you, byee!" I smiled. "Bye hunny." My dad said.

With that, me and Rafe left, and walked to his car where he opened the door for me, letting me sit before shutting it. He walked around and got into the car himself.

"You really do look so fucken' good baby. And the new dress fits you so perfectly." He said. "Rafe stop I love you." I said. "I never get to see you in a suit, and I think Im ganna need this at least once a month.. or maybe week.. we don't even have to go anywhere I just wanna see you in your suit." I giggled. "Deal." He laughed.

"I feel so lucky.. we have been dating over two years and I still feel all tingly talking to you.. like you still buy me flowers and plan these cute dates.. I feel so special with you." I said. "You deserve it all Y/n" He said, his hand resting on my thigh.

After around 20 minutes we made it to this beautiful restaurant on a rooftop in downtown. Rafe had made reservations so we went straight to our table, and ordered our food.

Rafe seemed like something was off, like he was nervous or something.. talking less then normal.

We finished eating and even got dessert before leaving and going down to the beach. We walked along it for awhile before Rafe stopped walking, out of nowhere.

He held my hand in his own as he got down on one knee, and I used my other hand to shoot over my mouth in surprise. "Oh my god.." I whispered, already feeling tears forming.

"Y/n.. I-Im really nervous right now so I might mess this up but Ive been practicing and practicing my speech and I don't wanna mess it up but I feel like I-Im ganna like stutter and forget everything but I-" I interrupt him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes, I say yes!" I said. "Hear my speech  you will- wait.. you say yes?" He said. "Yes!!" I laughed.

He got off his knee and wrapped his arm around me, letting out a cheer before lifting me off the ground and practically swinging me around, making me unable to control my laughter.

"I love you- holy shit you said yes!" He yelled. "I-I love you so much.. of course I said yes!!" I said.

We both couldn't stop smiling. "I still wanna hear your speech!" I said.

a/n: js finished this draft from like MONTHS ago ahah

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