Brain wash~ Rafe

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A/n: Warning in this Rafe is a murder and this will not be a sweet fic like I normally do. Also this won't follow the timeline of the show.


All this time I had been supporting Rafe, telling my best friends that my boyfriend was innocent, taking the shock of knowing one of my best friends (John B) was a murder, when all along my friends were right. I felt so stupid. I had betrayed the pogues, all because of a boy.

I had been crying, in denial. My boyfriend wasn't a killer. But I couldn't keep being delusional when I saw that he shot his own sister.

I saw it with my own two eyes that that's when I realized I had been so blind this whole time. So, without saying anything I ran away from Rafe, left him a text saying we were over.

I ran back to my friends, sobbing, telling them if they didn't want me around anymore I get it, I was such a bitch, but if they forgave me, I would help and testify against Rafe for them.

They agreed, forgave me, telling me it wasn't my fault and Rafe had me brainwashed.

We were all at the château. John B and Sarah were back in town, after everyone thought they were dead so the police didn't have his house on lockdown.

We were all sitting in the living room, exhausted and so out of hope, that is until Pope had an idea.

"Um.. this is a long shot but, maybe you could talk to Rafe? Y'know get him to turn himself in?" Pope said. "I-I don't know Pope. We aren't exactly on good terms I mean I broke up with him after almost two years over text. He has been spamming the shit out of my phone." I said.

"That's not a bad idea! I mean, Rafe loves you like a scary amount, he always says he would do anything for you, use his words against him! Tell him if he would really do anything for you, to turn himself in!" Sarah said. "But, I-I Don't think he'll listen to me. I mean this whole time he had me thinking John B did it and I never thought John B would hurt a fly but he convinced me! He-he fucking cried to me and told me how he couldn't go to jail for something he didn't do, he's not ganna listen" I said.

"Y/n, you gotta try. We're running out of options" John B said. "I vote we go to Yucatan" JJ said. "JJ, stop talking about Yucatan!" Kiara said.

"Really guys, he's not ganna listen to me. And if I go talk to him he's ganna know we're on the island and things will go down hill real fast." I said. "Please Y/n, please just go see him, tell him you fucken' love him and just want whats best." John B said.

I stood up, and nodding. "Just ganna go to the bathroom." I whispered, before practically jogging not wanting them to see me cry again.

I wiped away my tears, telling myself I was doing the right thing. Once the tears stopped flowing I walked back out. "Um, I-Im gonna go.. I'll keep you guys updated." I said.

Sarah stood up, hugging me. "I know it's hard, I know, he's my brother but this is the right thing to do." She whispered. "I know." I sucked my tears before pulling away and walking out.

I drove to the Camerons and parked my car. I still had a spare key so I let myself in and went up to Rafe's room. It was already midnight, so I very quietly opened his bedroom door. I thought he was asleep but when he heard the door he immediately turned around to see who it was, his face in shock when he saw me, closing the door behind myself.

"Y/n! Y/n, baby, oh-oh my god did they hurt you?! I know they forced you to say that shit are you okay? Im so glad you're back I was scared to death, couldn't sleep 'n shit!" He said, immediately pulling me into his arms.

"Rafe-Rafe let me go." I slowly pulled out of his warm arms, trying not to start crying again. "What?" He asked with shock.

"Rafe they didn't force me to say anything.. I saw you shoot your sister Rafe, we're over, we're done." I said. "Y/n, you know that was a mistake! I was trying to shoot John B!" He said.

"But why Rafe? Why shoot anyone?!" I said. "Uh, I don't know maybe because he framed me for fucking murder!" He said, wagging his hands around the air, as if that makes it more believable.

"I know the truth Rafe." I sighed. "No. Nah, no, no. Baby you know them-those pouges are fuckin' crazy. They have you brainwashed, tellin' you he's innocent, trying to turn you against your boyfriend of almost two years who loves you more then they even care about you! They're using you because if they have you on their side their fucking story is more believable! You know me Y/n , you-you love me, don't you?!" he said. His eyes were flooded with tears and that only made salty tears run down my cheeks.

As much as I wanted to hug him and believe his story I knee the truth.

"No, Rafe I know the truth and you have to accept that. No more lying to me!" I said. "Are you fucking crazy? Oh-oh my god they really have you brainwashed!" He said.

"Remember how you always say I mean everything to you a-and you would do anything for me?" I asked.

He nodded, his hand coming up to wipe my tears but I pushed it away.

"I-I want you to turn yourself in Rafe. I love you and I wish it wasn't like this. I would do anything to go back to how things were a month ago, but I can't change the past. I know you have good in you Rafe, I mean shit I-I do love you but you need to do the right thing. I.. I can be right by your side, holding your hand while you tell the police the truth and Ill be by your side in court if you want while you tell them the truth and I-I-" My words got cut off as he interrupted me.

"Oh pretty, you must be crazy. These pogues make people crazy, but don't worry. I'll protect you baby. I said I would do anything for you and I meant it." He said. "What? No Rafe I know the truth!" I said.

"Okay, okay thats fine. Let's just be calm and talk. You-you're really trembling, sit down here Im ganna get some tea for you, beautiful and them I promise Ill listen to what you have to say okay? Ill listen to everything you need to get out." He said. "O-okay" I nodded, taking a seat.

He left the room, going downstairs to make me my tea and that's when I took out my phone to text the pogues GC.


Me: he just left the room. he keeps saying im crazy and you guys are brain washing me but i kept saying ik the truth. he said he would let me talk and hear me out and he would do anything for me but also i dont think he would rlly turn himself in and i think he is js ganna try and feed me more lies so lets see how this goes 🤞

Sarah: You got this babe <3 Ik you can convince him
Me: i hope so :(
Kie: keep us updated 🩷

JJ: yeah let us know if he tries any shit

Pope: We're just a call away, don't forget


Me: ill try john b 😭

I heard him coming up the stairs and quickly put my phone away.

As he walked in, a cup of tea in his hand, he sat down beside me.

"Here sweetheart, drink this, warm up, and tell me whatever bullshit they've been telling you." He said.

I took the cup and took a sip. "I-I know you killed the sheriff a-and blamed John B. I know it's hard Rafe but you need to tell the truth!" I said, taking another sip of my tea. He only nodding letting me keep on talking.

"You're life is fucked if you don't Rafe, being in court 24/7, ly-ly-l-lying a-and a-a..." It got harder and harder for me to speak until I was barely able to speak anymore, my tea, falling out of my hands and Rafe catching the cup, placing it on to the side.

"W-what-what did do?" I whispered, trying as hard as I could not to let me eyes close.

"Im sorry baby, I really am. You know it kills me to do this, you made me I had no other choice. Don't worry though beautiful you'll only sleep for awhile and-and when you wake up we'll be on the way to Guadalupe." He said, slowly stroking my head, as he kissed my forehead, my eyes slowly closing.

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