Family completed~Rafe

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Me and Rafe have been dating for almost 4 years and just got engaged a month ago, and we began living together a few months ago as well.

I was super exited, I loved Rafe more then ever but something in the back of my mind was making me overthink.

I've always wanted kids, my dream in to become a mother one day, and create a family but Rafe.. all I can remember is him saying he never wants kids and now that we are engaged I thought I would talk to him about it.

It was 9pm, and he was doing work in his at home office. I walked up to his office, and knocked on the door while coming in.

He was staring at his computer screen, mouse in hand, turning around in his wheeled chair to look at me. "Rafe, it's getting late when are you coming to bed?" I asked. "Soon angel, I promise, I'm almost done." He said.

"Okay.. well are you hungry because I kinda wanna order mcdonalds.." I said making him laugh. "I knew you came in for food, this happened every night." He said making me laugh.

"I swear this time I actually missed you, but, you want your usual?" I asked. "That would be great." He laughed as I nodded and left the room.

I ordered us the food, and 25 minutes later it arrived, I told Rafe and he came down to the kitchen to eat.

We both sat at the kitchen island, beginning to eat our food.

I took a bite of some fries before speaking. "So um.. this is kind of an awkward topic but do you ever want kids?" I asked. "God no." He laughed.

I frowned, "Like not now, but not even in the far future?" I asked. "No..where is this coming from I thought we were on the same page about all this?" He said.

"We have never been on the same page, you know it's my dream to become a mom, and start a family, but you pretend it's not. You pretend that we are on the same page because you don't like complicating thing but.. we are getting married soon and I needed to talk about this." I said.

He didn't say anything for a moment. "I-Y/n I would make a terrible dad." He said. "What? Rafe you would absolutely not!" I said.

"Yeah baby, I would. I would end up just like my dad, treat my kids like shit and they end up hating me." He said. "No-no-no, baby, why do you even think that? You are so much more then you're fucking dad!" I said.

"How so Y/n, because it seems to me we're pretty fucking similar." He said. "Well, yeah, you both love business, and Cameron development, and your both stubborn and cocky, but if you go into things more deeply, think of all the shitty things he has done that you wouldn't even think of doing." I said.

"It's not about that Y/n, think of his temper, and think of me? I have fucking anger issues from him." He said. "So what you have a temper? You've never treated me bad when you have a temper, you know how to control yourself." I said.

"Yeah well, My dad never took it out on Rose either, he took it out on me. Do you not get my point?" He said.

"Rafe could you ever see yourself hurting a child? Especially your child?" I said. "Well no-absolutely not but.. but you never know Y/n." He said.

"Rafe I've seen you with kids you're so good with them, they adore you!" I say.

"Y/n, I don't want kids, end of story. I'm sorry but I do not want to ruin some kids lifes." He said. I nodded my head, tears brimming in my eyes. "That's fine, if that's really what you think I don't wanna push you." I grabbed the rest of my food, and walked upstairs to our bedroom, not wanting to cry in front of him.

"Y/n, come on." He said, with a sigh.

I got under the covers, in bed, and wiped away all my tears, taking a bite from my burger, and a sip from my drink before eating a chicken nugget, hoping Rafe doesn't come up.

I sighed as I watched the bedroom door open. "Rafe it's okay you don't want kids, I don't want to push you, end of conversation." I wiped my tears that were threatening to fall.

"Let me tell you the truth, sweetheart." He said, as he sat on the bed, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"Ever since I was little, I also dreamed of becoming a dad one day. It was my dream to have kids, 3 to be exact. I wanted a boy and a girl and another by surprise. I still dream of becoming a dad, and I dream of seeing you become a mother, but I-I pretend I don't want kids because I'm scared Y/n. I'm so scared I'm ganna fuck up some kids life." He said.

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Rafe-Baby if thats how you really feel then I promise you i'm ganna show you how good you are-because I truly truly believe you would be the best father. And not yet-not even soon but one day in the far future, when we're both ready, we're ganna have 3 babies." I giggled. "Sounds like a plan." He laughed, pressing his lips against mine. "I love you." I laughed. "I love you so much." He kissed me again.


Time skip:


I smiled, as I watched Rafe, with teary eyes hold our new born baby girl. He kissed her head, smiling big as he sat beside the hospital bed so I could see her face.

"I can hold her now dadda?" Our oldest four year old girl Avery said. "No! Me turn first!" Our second born, 2 year baby boy Ethan spoke, making me laugh.

"You'll both get to hold her, I very soon, I promise, first let mommy feed her." Said Rafe passing me our daughter.

I began feeding her, smiling as Rafe picked up Ethan, letting him sit in his lap as he wrapped an arm around Avery, smiling as our little family was complete.

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