We need to be better~Rafe

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Me and Rafe has been dating almost 7 months when we started to fight more then smile. Just when we were talking about breaking up, we found out I was pregnant.

With us still, very young and also on the verge of splitting up obviously this was the worst possible thing that could happen.

We decided to try and fix our problems, and move in together to raise the baby because neither of us wanted to abort it. I like to think everything happens for a reason so an abortion wasn't the type of thing I would want at the moment.

So, we did move in together but things didn't necessarily get better... We still fought all the time and life felt very monotone. 

But we kept telling each other we would stay together "for our baby"

Our baby girl Alenna was 2 years old and I was starting to realize our fighting was affecting her.

We were staying together to try and give her a better life with both parents but to be honest I was starting to think we were only making things worse.

So, I had just put Alenna to bed, and was walking to the living room where Rafe was laying on the couch.

"Hey" He said, not looking up from his phone as I flopped down beside him on the couch.

"Im hungry, do we still have those pizza pops?" I asked. "No.. I had the last one." He looked up with a guilty laugh. I smiled at his guilty look. "Okay.. well I wanna talk about something serious, could you put your phone down for a sec?" I said.

He looked at me in confusion, putting his phone down on his lap.

"So um.. I know we are only still together for Alenna and if it wasn't for her we would be living our own lifes right now but.. but thinking about it I feel its worse that we stayed together. Raising her separately I feel would be better then raising her fighting all the time. Its affecting her Rafe, I see her frown when we raise our voices at each other.. I mean just the other day the poor girl said and I quote 'Why daddy and you dont love each other?' She fucking asked why we don't love each other!" I said.

"Y/n I do love you, I always will." He said. "Rafe I-I love you too, and I don't think I could ever stop but thats not the point. The point is the whole reason we stayed together, was to try and give her a better life, but we're just making it worse for her. She's upset half the time because our petty asses can't hide our fights, and it's not like we can just stop fighting because we fucking can't!" I said.

"Okay slow down." He said. "Im not understanding what your trying to say right now" He added. "I-I don't know if living together was a good idea.." I said.

"Y/n you think I wanted to do this shit? No! I did it for Aleena. It was your idea, and now your telling me it was the wrong move?! I mean whats so bad about having both her parents live together so many kids don't have that." He said.

"Im sorry but Rafe our fightings impacting her! I dont want her to grow up and think a relationship like this is normal! Could you imagine her coming home from school one day, lets say shes 15-16 and she got her first boyfriend, and all we see is them arguing! You would feel like shit! I don't want her to think what we have is love and healthy. And also I can see she feels scared and upset when we raise our voices at each other. I never noticed it before, but now that she is older and shows her emotions more Im seeing it." I ranted.

"M-Maybe you're right.." He said. "I don't want her to grow up like me, I-I really thought we were doing good for her." He seemed so hurt at the fact that his baby was being raised the same shitty way he was.

"Im not sure what to do. I feel its too late and if we split up it will be even worse for her, she's so little so wont understand." I said.

"Let's just try no fighting anymore, if we have a problem we can work our shit out properly." He said. "As much as I would love to do that, you really think its ganna work?" I asked. "Well we have to try! I'm not ruining her childhood." He said.

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