Never leaving you alone~Rafe

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thank you for the request meeeegano !!


Rafe had made me come to some kook party one of his friends, friends was throwing. To be honest I wanted to stay in tonight, maybe do a face mask and have a super chill night but Rafe really wanted to go, and he insisted I went with him so eventually I agreed.

Currently we were at the party, we just arrived around 30 minutes ago and said hi to all our friends before ending up standing in some random crowded room, the music so loud you had to yell over it.

"Im ganna go get us some drinks, what do you want?" Rafe had to practically yell into my ear. "Whatever you have, not too strong!" I yelled back over the music.

He nodded, "Ill be back in like 2!" He yelled, walking away.

As he left the room, I stood there.. bored. I didn't know many people so I just stood there waiting for him.

I heard my name being called, "Y/N!!" Someone yelled over the music. Confused, I looked over and saw one of Rafes friends, Max I believe, and I bunch of people around them.

I walked over with confusion. "Yoooo Y/n!! Wheres Rafe?" He yelled. "Getting us drinks!" I yelled back. "Ah! Well waste some time while he's gone, take a line with us? On the house!" He yelled. "Oh.. No! No I don't want to, thanks!" I yelled back.

"Don't be boring, its just one line." He said. "Uhh.. I don't want it." I said.

"Come on Y/n, he said it's on the house!" Some girl from the group added in. "No thanks!" I turned around to walk away but that guy grabbed my arm.

"Now wait... Im sure Rafe wouldn't want you alone, stay with us...and you can still take the line if you feel, tastes like bananas!" He yelled.

Before I could yank my arm from his hold, I felt arms wrapping around my waist from behind and I recognized the smell of his cologne.. when the guy immediately let my arm down it confirmed that it was Rafe.

"Well well, Mathew. The fuck was that?! You don't know what no mean, huh?" Rafe yelled. "Yo man chill! I was just offering her a line, and I know shes your girl bro, I had it on the house!" The guy yelled, his hand wagging around as he spoke.

Rafe grabbed his arm and gave him a shove backwards. "She said no like 300 times, and tried to leave, you grabbed her fucking arm!" Rafe yelled. "Relax bro I was just trying to protect her, y'know people at these things can be creepy!" The guy yelled.

"You're the fucking creepy one!" Rafe yelled before walking away, his arm on my lower back.

We didn't say a word to each other until we made it outside the house, so we could hear each other without screaming.

"Im sorry, baby. I shouldn't of left you alone." He said. "It's not your fault Rafe, no need to apologize." I said.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked. "No! No, he just grabbed my arm I promise it didn't hurt!" I said. "It better not of." He said making me let out a smile.

"I swear I won't leave you alone at parties anymore even for a minute.. God I don't know why I even did today!" His ranting made me let out a laugh. "Rafe its okay!! I am completely fine." I said.

He nodded his head. "Come on, lets leave." He held my hand as we walked back to his truck. He opened the door for me, which I then thanked him, he got in and drove us to his house.

We quietly snuck in, and ran up to his room. He gave me some clothes to change into and we both brushed our teeth and washed our faces, before climbing into his bed.

"You can pick whatever movie.. I still feel bad." He sighed. "Don't feel bad!" I said. "But I will pick the movie" I smiled.

I felt like watching a disney movie and so I put on tangled. We then shut out the lights and got comfortable under the covers.

Rafe sat up, and I laid myself onto his chest, his hand crawled up my shirt to rub my back, making me want to fall asleep.

"You suree you're okay?" He said. "Yes Rafe!" I laughed, because he couldn't stop laughing.

"I am peachy, it wasn't even bad." I said, lifting my head up to place a kiss onto his lips.

After we pulled away I let my head fall back down into the crook of his neck, not watching but listening to the movie in the background.

"I love you." He whispered into my ear, kissing my temple. "I love you." I smiled, my eyes closed and ready to drift off.


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