The cats outta the bag~ Rafe

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hii this was requested by scorpioogoat
(in this y/n is kiaras sister)

You and Rafe have been dating for around four months. You only told your sister Kiara and best friend Sarah who at first were upset but after awhile saw how happy you were together and were happy for the both of you.

Its been hard keeping it from the rest of the pogues but you had to! They would be so mad if they found out so you and Rafe agreed to keep the relationship a secret.

Tonight there was a party going on at the boneyard and you decided to go since your friends where all going.

At one point you and Rafe had snuck in to the parking lot to just say 'hi' to each other and after that you both went back to your very different groups of friends.

You were getting a refill of your drink when some guy approached. "Hey, Y/n right?" He said. "Yes I'm Y/n." You said.

"Whats a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" He said. "I-just re filling my drink." You said before trying to walk away.

"Whoa-whoa whoa wait. I mean you don't got a boyfriend or anything why are you in such a rush to get away?" He let out a chuckle. "I just wanna get back to my friends." You spoke nervously, trying to walk away once more but he had grabbed your wrist.

"Hold on, sweat heart I just wanna talk." He said. "No-I-let go." You said. "Darling I just-" He got interrupted by Rafe walking over, and shoving his chest making him stumble backwards.

"She said to let go of her, you not understand english?" Rafe spoke coldly. "Relax Cameron. She ain't your girl bro you need to mind your own business." He said. "You better watch your fucking mouth." Said Rafe.

"Why are you even so concerned about a pogue anyway?" He laughed. "Just fuck off." Rafe said.

"She can speak for herself don't you think? You want me to go, Y/n?" He said. "Yes, actually. Leave." You said.

He threw his hands up, before walking away.

"I could've handled that myself Rafe." You said. "Really because it didn't seem like it." Said Rafe.

"Yo-Whats going on here? Is Rafe bothering You Y/n?" JJ said, as he walked over, John B, Pope, Sarah and Kiara with him.

Sarah and Kiara gave each other a worried look.

"Mind your business Maybank." Said Rafe. "Oh but was I talking to you? No. Y/n why is he talking to you?" Said JJ.

"I-it's really dont bad he was getting me another drink." You said. "Oh you trust his drink?" Pope said. "I wouldn't." John b whispered.

"You think I would do shit to her drink? You pogues disgust me!" Said Rafe. "She's a pogue, I wouldn't put it past you. I mean beating people up with golf clubs and spiking girls drinks kinda have the same vibe." JJ shrugged, a smirk on his lips.

That was enough to piss Rafe off to his limit, he swung and hit, nailing JJ in the jaw.

"Shit!" You said. "Rafe get off of him!" Sarah said. 

Rafe was on top of JJ, throwing punches at his face until Pope and John B pulled him off, all 4 of them breathing heavily as JJ got up, wiping blood off of his face. "Jesus Chrsit why'd you go all crazy? I mean I know your psycho but fuck." JJ said.

Rafe looked at you, begging you to say something with his eyes and you couldn't hide it any longer.

"I-Me and Rafe have been dating for four months. And I-I am so sorry I didn't tell you guys but I knew you would be really mad and I-I just didn't wanna lose my best friends!" You spoke, hopping they would hear you out.

"What the fuck!" John B yelled. "Hear her out! We weren't happy at first but we saw how good they are together!" Sarah spoke up. "You knew?" Pope yelled.

"And me.. he makes Y/n happy and you guys shouldn't be mad about that, I mean, John B, I was so mad when you started dating Sarah but shes one of my best friends now, And I'm not saying be friends with Rafe, I still hate him but come on!" Kiara said.

"No-absolutely not!" John B yelled.

"Y/n are you actually fucking joking! Anyone in this world and you choose this douche!?" JJ yelled.

You could tell Rafe was getting more and more mad and was about to speak so you placed a hand on his chest, begging him not to make things worse.

"He treats me so good! He makes me happy! He even kept our relationship a god damn secret so I wouldn't lose my friends! Friends he hates!" You said. "This is such bullshit!" Said JJ.

"Rafe isn't a nice guy Y/n!" John b said. "You recall when he beat me with a golf club?" Pope said. "Or when he got me fired from the country club?!" JJ added. "Or when he broke my lawn mower!" John B added.

"Yes I do remember I do! And has he done something bad to you in the four months we have been together? No! Before we started anything I made him promise not to fuck around with you guys anymore!" You said. Rafe looked embarrassed.

The three boys were silent, not having much to say about that.

"That doesn't change anything, not like he fucken' apologized." Said John B.

"Rafe say sorry." You said. "The fuck? No!" Rafe said. "Rafe I'm trying to prove a point!" You said.

He looked down at you, sighing before mumbling a little, barely hearable "M'sorry."

"What was that?" Pope said. "I said I'm fucking sorry!" Rafe spat out.

Sarah and Kiara gave them a look. "If he is willing to apologize-If Rafe Cameron is saying the word sorry she clearly means a lot to him and you guys need to understand." Said Sarah.

"Yeah whatever. I guess we can't stop you guys from dating but Cameron you better not fucking fuck up or I swear to God-" Rafe interrupted John B "I won't!" He said.

"Yeah whatever, we're still cool." JJ lightly shoved Rafe. Rafe smacked JJ's hand off of him. "Good I don't wanna be cool with you nasty assed. And don't touch me whens the last time you showerd?"

"Rafe!" You yelled.

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