Scars to your beautiful~ JJ

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This is requested by: J3ns3nl0l
and based on the song "scars to your beautiful"


Currently my boyfriend JJ was at my house, my parents had invited him over to meet him.

He was over the moon exited, and nervous. He wore his nicest shirt and even jeans, and I had never once seen that boy wearing jeans.

Currently we were, on the couch. Me and JJ sat beside each other but kept some space.

He was in conversation with my dad while my Mom was finishing making dinner, and my brother set the table.

"So what did you say you did?" My dad asked. "Well I just work at the country club for the summer." Said JJ. "Thats good to keep you busy, huh?" My dad said. JJ nodded, forcing out a laugh.

"Come to the table dinners ready" My mom yelled.

We all got up, and walked over to the table where my mom and brother were already sat.

I sat down and JJ took a seat beside me. My dad also sat down at the end of the table across from my mom.

She just wants to be, beautiful
She goes, unnoticed she knows, no limits
She craves, attention she praises, an image
She prays to be, sculpted by the sculptor

"Y/n told me you loved mashed potato's and gravy, I made sure to make extra." My mom let out a laugh. "Oh yeah, it looks amazing." JJ smiled.

We all began making our plates. I only put the salad on mine. I never felt comfortable eating in front of my parents, scared of the comments they would make, but maybe it was a good thing, I was trying to loose weight.

Everyone began eating when JJ spoke quietly, "Why is there nothing on your plate?" He whispered.

Even though he spoke quietly, my mom heard.

You know, covergirls eat nothing

"Oh JJ the you know the prettiest girls eat nothing. What's a little bit of hunger?" She speaks. "What?" JJ said.

"Don't you think she could loose a few pounds?" My dad said. My cheeks turned red. My brother sat in his seat awkwardly.

"No? I think Y/n is perfect. She doesn't need to lose anything, she needs to eat, she needs to be healthy." JJ spoke. "Honey you don't know anything about girls these days, youd be lucky to see her eat a meal in a day." My mom laughed.

"Mom stop." I mumbled. "You know, no one likes big girls, Y/n is trying to cut some weight." Said my dad. " Y/n is beautiful!" JJ said.

I felt like to just cry with embarrassment, my eyes stung but I didn't, Cause covergirls don't cry After their face is made.

I can't sit at that table any longer. "Excuse me." I said as I stood up and started to walk away. "Y/n!" JJ instantly got up and followed me.

I could hear my brother start to yell at my parents as I walked to my room and shut my door, letting out a sob.

The door instantly opened as JJ walked in before shutting again.

"Baby don't listen to them, c'mon don't cry." He pulled my body in to his arms.

"I-Im so sorry about them!" I cried. "No-no-no do not apologize! I'm sorry I didn't know you were going through all that." He said. "M'so sorry." I said.

"Come on don't cry pretty girl." He stroked my back.

But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful
We're stars and we're beautiful

"Y/n, you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. You should know you're beautiful just the way you are. And, you shouldn't have to change a thing about yourself you're so perfect, you're healthy and beautiful, you need to eat my love." He said. "I-JJ I'm so big compared to the other girls." I said.

"No, Y/n, you're glowing cupcake." He said.

She don't see her perfect
She don't understand she's worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface

"I don't understand how you don't see how perfect you are, in every way! You don't understand your worth it but baby you're so perfect." He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

So to all the girls that's hurting
Let me be your mirror
Help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within

"I wish you could see yourself from my eyes because you would be fucking wowed. Probably have a crush on yourself." He said making me let out a laugh.

"Now if you don't feel comfortable eating in front of your parents.. which I don't blame you for, come on let's go to the château and uber some food, and we can watch your favourite show if you want, how's that sound?" He says. "So good.. Thank you JJ, I love you so much." I wiped away my tears.

"I love you so much more Y/n" He kisses my lips, pulling me closer to his body by my waist.


"You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful
We're stars and we're beautiful"

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