Rafe's beloved truck~Rafe

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A/n: requested by meeeegano

I was currently at my boyfriend Rafe's house. I had an appointment today, and was supposed to take my mom's car but she unexpectedly got called into work. Rafe was supposed to go golfing with Top and Kelce in 20 minutes (Kelce was picking him up) so he couldn't drop me off and I had no other way of getting to my appointment.

Now, the obvious thing would be to just take Rafe's car, I mean he didn't even need it today but that man protected his truck with his life.

"Rafe.." I said nervously. He looked up at me, his eyes away from his phone. "Yeah?"

"So my mom was supposed to pick me up when you went to golf but she got called in to work.." I said, not dropping the bomb immediately. "You need me to drop you off before I go? Or you wanna come golfing with me?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"No I have an appointment, my mom was ganna take me but y'know she got called in so.. I was wondering if I could maybe pretty please take your truck? I know you don't let anyone drive it but it's only like 10 minutes away and i'll be super careful and-" He interrupted me. "Y/n.. baby, I love you.. but no way in hell. I don't even let my dad drive my truck and shit he bought it for me." He said.

"Rafe! Pleassseee" I begged, "I really wouldn't ask if I had any other choice. I don't wanna have to call an uber." I said. "I don't want you calling an uber either.. listen you can't push your appointment an hour, let me do a few rounds then drop you off?" He asked, I shook my head no.

"Okay, just this once you can take my truck. Promise me you're ganna be so careful and be extra slow." He said. I squealed with excitement, not even believing his words.

"Yes! Of course, Oh my god!" I said with excitement, making him let out a laugh as he took the key's out of his pocket, and handed them to me.

There was a honk outside. "Kelce is here early" He said, standing up and walking towards the door. "Be safe, kay?" He said. "Ill be soo safe!" I guaranteed, with a big smile as he left.


Once my appointment was over and I was ready to drive home I got into Rafe's truck, and began the short drive home.

As I was driving on some street, back to the Cameron's, some stupid car, didn't see me and began pulling out right in front of me. I freaked out, swerving away and slamming on the brakes, the car going right into a pole making my body jolt forward. Oh my god.

I immediately began freaking out, getting out of the truck and seeing the front of his car was dented and the paint was all scratched. Fuck.

Tears welled in my eyes, I felt like the worst person in the world. Rafe was ganna be so mad at me, and I deserve it.

I knew it wasn't my fault and it was the person pulling outs fault but I still felt terrible. I should've listened and not drove it.

The other person didn't even get out of their car to apologize or see if I was okay, the bastard just drove off.

I was shaking as I pulled out my phone, my body was sweating with fear and was already getting a headache from the  guilt.

"I can't believe I did this, Rafe's ganna be so mad" I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks as I clicked on his contact name.

I rung a few times before he answered. "Hey" He said. "Rafe.. Rafe I'm so sorry, I-I someone almost backed out into me and I had to swerve and slam the breaks and crashed into a pole. I-Im so so fucking sorry I swear I tri-" He interrupted me. "Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. "Oh thank God, okay." He let out a breath. "I'm really sorry Rafe, I-I don't wanna even get into the drivers seat again can you come and take your truck home." I said. "Yeah we were on the way anyway Ill have Kelce drop me off, whereabouts are you?" He asked. "I'm right by the park with the big rock that we go on" I said. "Okay, baby. We're coming." He said before hanging up.

I took a breath. Rafe being so gentle made me feel a lot better. I was expecting him to yell at me and tell me he told me so but he did the opposite. I sat on the side walk, wiping my tears as I waited for them.

Eventually I saw Kelce's car driving towards me, stopping and Rafe jumped out, as Kelce went to find parking.

I immediately felt even worse as I saw him looking at his busted truck, I tried to not cry in front of him but couldn't help it, tears flooding my face as I stood up and walked towards him. "I'm so sorry" I said as he opened his arms and pulled me into him.

"It-It's okay Y/n. It's nothing a little money can't fix, okay? I'm just glad you're okay." He said, rubbing my back. "I feel so bad I shouldn't have driven your truck! I swear I was driving extra carful and I-I didn't mean for this to happen" I looked down.

I explained every little detail that happened to him.

His hands moved to cup my face, his thumbs wiping my tears away. "Hey, baby I believe you. I know this wasn't your fault, okay?" He said, I nodded.

He told Kelce he could go home and me and Rafe got into the truck, Rafe driving us back to his house. "I will pay for it to get fixed." I told him.

"Y/n, no, it's okay. Im ganna take it to the shop and I bet we can cover it with insurance. It's really not that bad, just a dent and needs some touch up paint" He said, his hand rubbing my thigh as he tried to make me feel like guilt.

"Okay but if insurance doesn't cover this, then I will pay"  I said. "Sweetheart you know my dad would never let you pay for this. I'm telling you it's okay, I'm not mad at you." He said. "Okay, okay." I nodded.

As we pulled into the driveway and got out of the  car, Sarah was already outside, walking to her car when she saw us and gasped. "Holy shit Rafe! What the fuck did you do to your car?! Dad is ganna kill you! Jesus it looks like shit" She said with wide eyes.

Before I could say anything Rafe spoke. "I crashed into a pole.." He said. I looked up at him with a soft smile, my eyes red and teary. "No.. I did." I said. "Oh- Y/n I'm so sorry. It's really not that bad I-I was just trying to piss Rafe off." She said making me laugh. "It's okay" I said.


The insurance company ended up not covering the charges as there was no proof it wasn't my fault so Ward had to pay. I tried to convince them to let me pay but they said it was okay, and wasn't much. As Rafe brought the truck home from the shop, I smiled, seeing it all new looking.

He got out of the car and walked towards me. "Good as new" He said. "It looks amazing. I'm still really sorry, I wish I could've helped." I said. "You need to quit apologizing" He laughed, kissing my cheek. "At.. at least they washed it.. it's all shiny" I said making him chuckle.


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