Want them so bad ~ Rafe

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first off i just wanna say sorry my titles are always so basic i never know what to make them to theyre always rlly boring lmao

requested by meeeegano btw i did this a little different then how you wanted it so i hope you still like it :))


Me and Rafe had been friends since middle school. I would not say we were really close, we just had a lot of the same friends which caused us to end up in the same friend group.

I had always had a small crush on him growing up but I mean.. I feel like everyone had a Rafe Cameron phase.

Except as I grew older and become closer with him, this crush was becoming more then a phase I mean I had trouble even making eye contact with him anymore.

I just couldn't say anything about it, I mean I couldn't bare to boast his ego any higher by telling him I like him and having him laugh in my face.

Tonight he was throwing on of his usual parties at his house: His dad and step mom out of town, his little sister sleeping at a friends house, and his other sister Sarah allowed to be there as long as she didn't snitch.

I had spent awhile getting ready and picking my outfit while on FaceTime with a friend before actually showing up. I mostly hung out with my girlfriends, played a round of cup pong and took pictures outside before ending up in the basement.

It was mainly our friend group down here, plus some friends of friends keeping it chiller then the rest of the house.

I was talking to my friend Angie, while sipping on my drink. "So tell me what you think of this guy.. I'm thinking of going and talking to him." She said, showing me the instagram of some guy from our school. "He's so fine, you would make such a good couple, go talk to him!" I encouraged.


Rafe's POV:

I was standing in the basement, taking a long sip of the beer I was drinking when Y/n caught my eye. She looked so beautiful, even just sitting on the couch talking to her friend. God, I wanted her so bad I didn't know what to do.

Kelce caught me staring. "Day dreaming, again?" he teased with a grin, making me give him a glare. "Fuck off, bro" I said. Him and Topper were the only ones who knew how absolutely down bad I was for Y/n, but I made then swear not to tell anyone.

"Just go spill you guts, man! It's gettin' pathetic watching you become her little bitch when she's not even your girl" He said. "I am not her bitch" I said. "You're telling me you wouldn't do anything that girl said?" Kelce asked, making me shrug.

He let out a laugh. "You think if I got talk to some other girl's she'll be jealous?" I said. "Jealous? Why would she be jealous if she don't want you bro! You gotta tell her how you feel!" He said. "I'm ganna go talk to.. that girl" I said, pointing to random girl in the room. "Good luck, fucking up your chances." Kelce patting my back making me roll my eyes.


Y/n's POV:

"Should I actually talk to him?" She asked. "100%, shoot your shot!" I said, making her laugh with a nod.

I was caught off guard when I looked across the room and saw Rafe with his arm around some girl. I mean he was always with random girls and I never cared too much but for some reason today it really did.

This time it really hit that he would never be mine. I mean I would be an idiot to think I even had a chance with him! This girl he was with she was so stunning. She had stunning long blonde hair, a perfect smile with such white teeth, clear skin, and her body.. that was a whole different level of perfect.

I was so jealous watching him them practically eye fuck, and I knew I had no reason to be, we weren't even together which just made me feel so stupid, letting myself get so upset over a boy who doesn't even think about me. "Angie I'm ganna go upstairs, get a refill." I said. "I'll come, I need to look for this guy anyway I think he's here." She said, making me laugh with a nod.


I spent the rest of the night trying not to bump into Rafe. It would just make me feel like shit, talking to him like we were friends when really I wanted so much more.

Eventually people were starting to go, and honestly I was getting kind of bored to I was ready to leave. Normally when someone in our group threw a party we would all stay after, help clean a bit and maybe play some games but I was so not in the mood for that right now, I wanted to shower and go to bed.

So, I made my rounds saying bye to some friends before making my way to the front door. As I walked to the entrance, I saw Rafe, and smiled at him before continuing to exit the door.

I was caught by surprise when he came right out behind me, "Y/n!!" He called my name. I pretended not to hear him, and continue walking but he grabbed my shoulder, stopping me.

I turned to face him and forced a smile onto my face. "Hi?" I asked. "Leaving so soon? You never go before everyone else does and we get to chill a bit, play some shit?" He said.

"Not really in the mood for all that right now to be honest" I said. He squinted his eyes, and gave me a funny look. "You okay? What's wrong something's wrong." He said. "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine." I said. "You're never fine, when you say you're fine." He said.

"Wow thank's for noticing" I said sarcastically. I didn't mean for it to be rude, but it just slipped out. "Did uh.. did I do something? You mad at me?" He asked. "What? I- no.. I'm just tired Rafe." I looked down.

"You can tell me what I did, I swear I didn't mean whatever it was" He said. "You know, as I said I'm tired, not really in the mood for conversation, why don't you go talk to that blonde girl you were cozying up to all night." I said.

As the words left my mouth, I immediately regretted all of them, wishing I could take it all back.

His face softened, it looked as if he was almost.. relieved. "Hold on.. you noticed that girl? And it pissed you off?" He said. "No it didn't piss me off I j-" He cut me off. "Come on tell me the truth
Y/n, because I have a lot of truth I need to tell." He said.

I was surprised by his words, and somewhat felt less scared to finally get this off my chest. "Yes it did piss me off. I-I don't even know how to say this but I.. I like you.. and I-you can call me dumb and walk away and I'll pretend this conversation never happened." I said, my heart feeling like it could beat right out of my chest.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that.
the only reason I even looked at that girl was to try and get your attention! I go crazy just thinking about you and I didn't know what to do so I hate to admit I was trying to make you jealous... also glad to admit because it seemed to have worked.. Kelce called me an idiot for it but I mean I couldn't be happier it worked. And I.. I'm really sorry I didn't have the ball's to just tell you myself and had to make you upset in the process." He said.

Those were the last words I excepted to come out of his mouth and couldn't help the huge smile that was on my face by the end of them, my cheeks flushed with colour.

"Wait.. you like me? Like this isn't a joke?" I asked. "I promise you Y/n, I am in love with you." He said, making me unable to control the smile, and laugh of relief as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss.

It felt like magic feeling his lips on mine, and I couldn't help but never want to pull away. His arms loosely wrapped around my waist as we pulled away from the kiss, our faces still close as he rested his forehead on mine.

"You wanna come back inside?" He asked with a smile. "Oh I would love to" I laughed, before he pecked my lips once more.

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