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Me and Rafe dated for around a year before around a week ago, it was getting to the point where we we're always fighting, and it was no longer loving, and decided it would be better to break up.

Today, In english class, I was seated beside some girl, Emma, when the teacher started talking about partner work.

"You guys will be assigned a 10 page writing assignment, with a partner, that you will both work on about what we have recently leaned about global warming, and what you think about it." She said.

Some kid put up their hand. "Yes, Josh?" She said. "Do we get to pick our own partners?" He asked. "I will be assigning parters." She said.

Everyone, sighed, as she starting pairing people up.

"Derek and Mahamad, Elexandra and Izzy, Cooper and Kai, Liam and Lucy, Ria and Danny, Rafe and Y/n, Frank and Marta, Gwen and Poppy, Meka and Rob, Nylah and Belle, Kelce and Kevin." She said.


The bell then rang. "Class is dissmissed, these are due in 2 weeks." She said.

"Good luck." Emma said, feeling bad that I had to go with my ex. "Thanks, I'll need it." I laughed.

Everyone started grabbing their stuff and leaving the class, it was the last block of the day.

Before Rafe could talk to me, I ran up to the teacher.

"Ms Frenna, Could I please switch partners?" I asked. "What's the issue dear? I've put you with Rafe before, the writing was amazing." She said.

"I-Ms Frenna please, I cant work with him." I said. "Sorry, Y/n, no switching." She said.

Damn it.

I walked out of the class in to the hallway and so did Rafe.

As I was walking out of the school he stopped me, "Hey.." He said. "Hi.." I spoke.

"Uh.. we have that paper together.." He said. "Yeah.. I-I can write it, don't worry i'll put your name on it." I said. "No, that's not fair, I need to do some as well." He said.

"Fine okay, you wanna come over?" I asked. "Sure." He spoke. "K come to my place whenever ill be home." I didn't let him say anything else before I left.

I walked to my car and waited for Sarah, as I was giving her a ride home, dropped her off and then made it to my house.

I ate some food and then changed my clothes, laying on my bed with my phone when someone knocked on my bedroom door.

I opened it and it revealed Rafe. "Your mom let me in.. what did you tell her about.. y'know, she gave me such a dirty look like she could kill me, and she always hugs me when I come over." He said.

"Nothing.. bad." I said. "Y/n what did you say?" He asked. "Really, nothing bad Rafe, just what really happened, how we we're always fighting, and screaming at each other and you didn't feel like my happy place anymore like you used too." I shrugged. "Oh." He said.

"Um.. so this essay.." I said. "Hm.." Rafe said.

The awkwardness was killing me, it was so bad.

My mom yelled, "Y/n you have a delivery!" My mom yelled. "Coming!" I said. "Ill be back." I told Rafe.

I ran down the stairs and my mom handed my a bouquet of tulips, with a note with my name on it and a heart. "These were at the door." She said.

"Oh.. thanks." I said as I ran back up stairs.

I walked in to my room and closed the door behind me.

"Um.. were these from you?" I asked. "What? No." He said. "Oh.." I said.

"Did someone send you those?" He asked. "Yeah. You sure it wasn't you? Like before we broke up it just had really long delivery?" I asked.

"No, Y/n, why the fuck would I send you tulips, roses are your favourite." He said.

"Actually.. tulips are my favourite.. you just assumed I liked rose's because.. I dunno its a stereotype and I never corrected you because I thought you getting flowers at all was so sweet." I said. "Wait you didn't like the flowers I got you?" He asked.

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying how you didn't ever pay attention to what I liked, you just thought I was the exact same as every other girl you've been with." I said.

"That's not true! Y/n, I knew how you liked your coffee, and how you hated when your socks didn't match. I know you hated to be tickled, but would purposely let me pin you down because you liked the closeness of non sexual just laughing together. I knew how you hated when I kissed you in public because you hate couples who are PDA, and didn't wanna be like them. I would get you a smoothie every morning before school and fucken' walk you to your classes just so I could see you smile because I knew you never ate breakfast and I wanted you to have something before a day of shitty classes. Y/n you're not like any other girl I dated, I mean I've never had a relationship longer then a couple weeks but I dated you for 11 months before you broke up with me I mean shit." He ranted on.

"Rafe... I'm sorry I was just talking about flowers I said the wrong words and I didn't mean for this to happen, You don't need to explain yourself." I said. "Sometimes I think you just wanted an excuse to break up with me I mean we were so happy together, and then we started fighting over stuff you would bring up." He said.

"Are you kidding me? Rafe I loved you like a fucking lot. You were my best friend and the guy I loved I mean I spent all my either with you, or wanting to be with you. I would get to school early just so I could spend time with you in the mornings and have a good start to my day. I carried allergy pills in my backpack because I knew you needed one everyday but always forgot to take it. I would always play golf with you, even though I hated it, just to make you happy. I would watch all your footballs games even though I didn't know ass about football and would sit there cluelessly, hoping your team would win so you wouldn't be upset. God, Rafe, I would write you fucking letters, to show you how much I loved you, and how much you meant to me, and you think I wanted to break u? No!" I said.

We both sat their silently for a minute.

"Rafe before I suggested we break up I suggested we sat down and talked about our problems and when you couldn't agree to do so, I figured their wasn't any hope left for us." I said.

"Because we were fighting over the most dumbest shit, I didn't wanna talk about that." He said. "I know it was dumb, Rafe I know but we haven't even dated a year yet and the our fights would have us not talking for days, I mean imagine how bad it would be in another year." I said.

"Can we talk about it now? Can we just say all the fucked up shit we wanted too and then move on?" He asked. "I guess so.." I said.


We spent the next hour, talking about things that made each other mad, and saying apologizing about it.

Rafe finished off with, "And I hated, when you said you were fine, but you weren't really fine, and then it just the day." He said. "Yeah.. I know that's a bad habit I'm sorry." I spoke.

"I-that's everything I don't think I have anything else." He spoke. "Me neither." I said.

"So.. you think we could give us another shot?" He said. "I think we should." I said.

"I missed you Y/n" He said as I leaned forward and hugged him. "I missed you to Rafe." I said.

"I guess I gotta thank Ms Freena for putting us back together." I laughed. "Oh yeah." He grinned.

"Wait a second.. now that we're back together, who the fuck is sending you flowers?" He said.



its 5am and i cant sleep so here i am.
(its almost 6 now fml)

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