Back to school crush P2

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After waking up the next morning with a text from Rafe telling me to be ready by 2PM I spent the morning trying to look my best.. and freaking out because I had nothing to wear golfing. I ended up finding a white skirt and collared shirt that I layered with a crewneck.

I went downstairs and ate some breakfast my mom made me, and explained how I met Sarah and Rafe and how they were our neighbours and she was glad to hear I made some new friends.

It was around 1:15 and I was sitting on the couch with my parents when the door bell rang. "I'll get it." I said, standing up, and walking to the door.

I walked to the front door and surprise filled me when I saw Rafe at the door, with grey sweats and a hoodie on, and a container in his hands.

"Hi.. you're early! And oh shit am I over dressed?" I asked. "No, no, you're dressed completely fine.. you look beautiful. I still need to change. I just came because my step mom and little sister made some cookies and they wanted to send some over as a welcome gift.. and invite you guys over for lunch tomorrow?" He said.

"Oh my god, thank you! Yes, I'm sure my family would love to, I'll let them know.. do you wanna come in?" I asked. "No, thanks. I should get ready, I'll see you soon." He smiled, handing me the container. "See you soon" I smiled.


Rafe knocked on my door at exactly 2:00pm and we walked together across the street to his house. He opened the door for me, I got in the car and he drove me to the county club.

"So you wanna start with some lunch or some golf?" He asked. "Honestly I'm not too hungry yet, so maybe some golf?" I asked. "Sure" He nodded.

"I'm not good at golf.. I'm pretty bad actually, I haven't played since I was like.. shit probably 13" I said. "Don't worry, I'll teach you." He grinned.


After around an hour of golfing, (mostly Rafe trying to teach me, and me still sucking) we went to the restaurant for lunch.

"So how long have you been playing golf? You're really good" I smiled. "Honestly my whole life. My dad has me in lessons since I was able to swing the club" He said making me laugh.

"Assuming your parents didn't put you in golf lessons.. what do you like?" He asked. "Well.. I was in a bunch of random stuff, never really liked any of it." I said. "Hm." He nodded.

"Tell me about yourself.. I feel like I know nothing other than the fact that you like golf, and have a sister." I said.

"Well actually I have two sisters. Sarah, and the other one is Whezzie, she's 14. Uhh I.. I'm pretty boring. I mean I enjoy parties and chillin' with my friends. I have lived here my whole life and.. my mom's out of the picture. I live with my dad, sisters, and step-mom." He said.

"Okay, well I live with my parents and I lived in California most of my life but recently moved here because my mom got a new job. I have a sister who is 13, who will probably love to meet yours, and a brother but he is 23 and living in Cali with his boyfriend. I didn't really go to parties. I would normally spend weekends binge watching netflix or hanging out with my 3 friends." I said with a laugh.

"You know your life seems really chill, I'd do anything for a simple life like that. Few close friends, loving family, seems like not much trouble goin' on." He said. I gave him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He shrugged, "I mean I would love to not always have some shit going on." He said making us both laugh.

We had already ate our food, and were just talking. "I don't know if this is too soon to ask but do you maybe wanna do something else? I'm having a really good time." I said. "I was ready planning to ask you if you wanted ice cream. There's a little shop near the beach if you'd wanna go?" He asked. "I'd love to" I smiled.

He insisted he would pay the bill, so he did. After that we were off to the ice cream shop, and down to the beach.

I felt like we had been walking along the water forever, yet never wanted to stop. "As embarrassing as it was I'm really glad Sarah outed my.. crush on you." I laughed, trying not to blush like I knew I was.

"Yeah? Me too.  Y'know I've never been on a date. Not a real one like this." He said. "Really? Well me neither." I said.

"I mean I'm not gonna lie I've slept with people and but never liked a girl special enough to walk on the beach with." He said, making me smile, and look up at him.

"Well you're my first date.. or even guy that's asked me out." I said. "Really? You're like crazy beautiful." He said. I blushed, immediately looking down. "You're so sweet" I giggled.

"I mean you're really handsome, you're telling me no girls wanted to go out with you?" I asked. "Oh they definitely have.. just none as special as you" He said.


Let's just say the first date went amazing. Ever since then we sat beside each other in class, I met his friends, we used studying as an excuse to always be hanging out and today he invited me to hangout after school, so we were at his house, just sitting around when the topic was brought up.

"So um, we've been seeing each other awhile now, and practically spend everyday together, so I thought the sooner the better.. will you be my girlfriend?" He looked nervous and it made my face turn into a huge smile. "Of course!!" I said with excitement, leaning towards him and pulling him in for a hug, squeezing his body for a few seconds before slightly pulling away only to have him pull me back in for a kiss.

"You don't even know how exited I am! I mean Ive never had a boyfriend before I'm so exited to do all the fall couple things!" I said. "Fall couple things?" He let out a laugh.

"You know, pumpkin patches, and carving, scary movies, haunted houses, making cookies.. or mm pumpkin pie!!" I said.

"As fun as those seem, those are more.. friendly things. I'm more exited for the late night drives, with the heat blasting and then running inside and y'know maybe warming up in the shower" He said with a smirk, making me gasp "Rafe Cameron!" which made us both laugh.

"M' kidding baby, I'm exited for alllll the corny ass couple shit you wanna do. I'm here for the pumpkin carving, to the snowman building, to the flower picking, I wanna do it all with you." He said, making me smile, and pull him into another kiss, which I wish could never end.

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