Don't go~Drew

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Requested by: meeeegano

Drew had been a very close friend of mine for quite some time and currently we were walking around a grocery store, shopping for snacks to get as we were planning a movie night with our other friends tonight.

"You keep looking in this aisle, and i'll go grab the gummy's real quick" I said. "Sure" He nodded.

I walked over to the candy aisle and started to look for the ones we liked when this guy approached me. "Hey" He smiled. "Hi." I looked over at him with a smile.

"Uh I hope this doesn't sound to weird but I just thought you were really beautiful. Would you wanna exchange numbers and maybe hang out?" He asked.

Normally I wouldn't say yes to random people but this guy was really attractive and seemed like he was nice. I also haven't gone on a date in forever and was getting sick of being single, so I took the chance. "Oh, thank you. Sure!" I nodded.

He handed me his phone to put my number in, so I did. "You free tonight for dinner?" He asked. "Actually no, Im hanging out with some friends, is tomorrow good?" I asked. "Tomorrow's great" He nodded. "Perfect, text me and we can talk more." I smiled.

"Sounds good" he said before walking away.

I quickly grabbed the candys and ran back to Drew with a huge smile on my face. "Drew, you won't believe what just happened!" I grinned.

"Shit, you took forever, I was about to start looking for you. What happened?" He asked. "I-I was just in the candy aisle, y'know looking for candy and some guy came over and said I was beautiful and asked for my number!" I said.

"Really? That's sweet, did you give it to him?" He asked. "Mhm, we're hanging out tomorrow!" I said. "Tomorrow.. that's soon, not gettin' to know each other first? What if he's a killer." He laughed. "Im sure it will be fine." I smiled. "Whatever you think." He said with a little laugh.


After our shopping me and Drew went to his apartment and our friends came over. We all watched a movie and hung out until almost 2am before all going home.

I left and went home, it was now the next day.

I woke up quite late, and took a shower. I cleaned my apartment while my hair dried before doing my makeup.

The guy who's name I learned was Nick, said he would pick me up and 6 and currently it was 5.

I was in the process of doing my makeup, my hair still drying so I was on a bit of a time crunch.

My heart felt like it stopped when I heard my door bell ring. Shit, he cannot be here already.

I nervously walked over to the door, and opened it, relief filling my body when I saw Drew.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked as I ran back to the bathroom to continue my makeup.

He followed me, and began speaking. "Y/n, you sure you should go tonight.. I mean you just met the guy, I don't have a good feeling about this." He said.

"Drew, it's fine we're just going out for dinner." I said. "I mean yeah, but he's picking you up, you're not even meeting there what if he doesn't even take you to dinner and friken' kidnaps you. I mean you only talked for 20 seconds you don't know him." He said.

"You're just being paranoid, Drew. Don't be silly I am sure it will go totally fine." I said. "Y/n, please don't go, I have a bad feeling." He said.

"I'm going, It's ganna be fine, I'll text you if something happens and you have my location anyways." I said. "It's not just that, Y/n." He said.

I could tell he was getting frustrated but I didn't know why. I didn't understand him, why does he think he has the right to tell me if I can go on a date or not, he is not my father.

"Then what, Drew? You're not my dad, you can't control who I date." I said.

"I-I don't want you to go on a date with him because I don't want you with anyone other than me. And Im sorry, Im sorry I probably just fucked up our friendship but I just couldn't bear the thought of you hitting it off with this guy and then dating him, when I want that with you! I should be the one taking you out, not him!" He said.

As he went on his little rant, my face completely fell. I didn't know what to say or do, so I didn't say anything for a few seconds, just in shock. Slowly I looked him in the eyes, both of ours full of emotion.

"How long have you felt like this?" I asked. "Since I met you, Y/n." He let out a breath.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner? Gosh, I-I.. I don't know what to say I have felt the same ever since I met you. I didn't do anything about it because.. well because you-you're a famous actor Drew, and you deserve better, I didn't think you could ever feel the same, so I tried to hide my feelings." I said.

"No way! How could you even think that? I deserve better? Shit, that's like crazy talk! I never told you because I didn't think you could ever like me, and I didn't lose you as my friend, either." He said. "Oh.. well, so um.. I-Im gonna go cancel my date.." I said, pushing my damp hair out of my face.

"And since you're getting ready, why don't I take you out instead?" He had a shy smile on his face. "I would love that." I smiled, trying to hide the way his words were  making me blush.

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