Youre somebody else~Rafe

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a/n: this is based on the song "youre somebody else" and requested by: yourkindahot0 (i hope this is the song you requested, if not im sorry 😭)

also this is a longer one so bucket yalls seatbelts lmao. also i feel like i made this a but cringey so dont judge me 💀

the first lil bit of this will be in this font, then later only the lyrics of the song will be, sorry if thats confusing.


Rafe has been my best friend since we were in diapers. He has been there with me our whole lifes.

Through all ours ups and downs our friendship had been through we were there for each other.

He was there for me when I got my first bad haircut and couldn't stop crying. I was there for him when he wanted to learn to skate bored and I taught him.

He was there for me when I was failing all my classes and didn't have any modification. And I was there for him when his dad would be more then hard on him, and make him feel so unloved.

He was there for me to beat up the guy who didn't treat me right, and I was there for him when his dad would cheat on his mother, and he couldn't do anything about it.

And.. well when he was 14 the person he loved most, his mother passed away.

Rafe took it hard, he didn't go to school for a month. He locked himself in his room and didn't let anyone see him. He didn't answer any of my texts of calls or open the door when I went to visit him.

Finally, he came back to school but he wasn't Rafe anymore.

He was always tired. He was failing all his classes. He quit football even though he was the quarterback. He smoked his first cigarette, and I couldn't stop him.

Everything only went downhill from them.

When he turned 16 it was getting wasted all the time, drugs piled on drugs, and drugs. Smoking all the time, and sleeping with different girls every night. He was depressed and was far to stubborn to admit he needed help.

I tried my best to help him but it was hard when he couldn't admit he needed help.

Until one night....


It was a Friday. Rafe skipped today, and didn't answer my messages which worried me, but I couldn't go see him just yet as I had rugby practice after school. He was probably fine, he skipped all the time.

After rugby, I went home and showered, changed in to some comfortable clothes, and drove to the Camerons.

I knew I didn't need to knock but I did it anyway.

Sarah opened the door and smiled. "Hey Y/n" She said. "Hi Sarah" I gave her smile.

"Is Rafe here?" I asked. "He should be, I didn't see him leave. Probably in his room." She said. "Thanks Sarah." I said.

She smiled at me as I walked up the spiral staircase.

I walked to Rafe's room and knocked on the door.
"It's Y/n." I said. "Oh." He spoke.

I heard him get up, walk over and unlock the door. "Hi." He said. I walked in and he shut the door behind me, locking to so no one else would come in. "Hey.." I said.

By the look on his face I knew he was high. His eyes were puffy, red. His could barely stand right, he had probably mixed his drugs with alcohol.

As I looked around the room my thoughts were confirmed.

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