younger.. head cannons

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so imma write what i feel like they would be like when they were in elementary school, as your best friend!!


-  he never had a lunch so you always share yours with with him

- he would be overprotective at recess

- he would make friend ship bracelets

-played barbies together

-deffo forced you to play soccer with him

-planned sleepovers at your house all the time

-stole candy for you

-he was THAT kid who would randomly moan into n class in middle school

-has a handshake with you

-clumsy af

-scared of the tooth fairy

-TERRIFIED of spiders

-oddly really likes peas

-would think its weird to share drinks with anyone except you

-your parents were his role models growing up because of luke

-helped your mom cook all the time and still does as he gets older

-you would make forts and read together

-loved baking together

- begged hayward to let pope sleep at your house all the time

- he helped you study

-he would always share his cool toys

-he had the cool shoes-he had the cool shoes-you would make forts and read together
-would think its weird to share drinks with anyone except you

-tries to teach you to surf

-dosent get any dirty jokes

- teachers pet fs

-would always build sand castles together

- would tell each other secrets in your tree house you built together in his back yard.

-you would always play at the park after school

-picks out hats for each other

-he would always be scared for you when you would get detention

-he would always protect you when bully's would pick on you, but get scared off him self

-he would be horrified if you made him watch a scay movie and would get nightmares about it

- he was really good at card games but sucked ass at bored games


-oddly amazing at twister

- you would talk about your crushes to each other all the time

-you would save baby sea turtles at all all the time

-you and her we're always at the beach together

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