Chapter 3

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Waking up in the arms of a random girl in the middle of her concert was not the plan. So Taylor was more than a little confused when she woke up to see a pair of violet eyes staring up at her.

"Oh! You're awake now! Thank god! I mean, goodness," the girl said before mumbling, "I apologize to everyone believing in a monotheistic religion." Taylor just looked at her, confused. "Anyway, are you okay? You were passed out for a bit there."

"Uhhh, who are you?" Taylor asked, still a bit discombobulated and unsure of what was going on.

"Oh! Right! I'm- I'm Gabi, well, Gabrielle, but everyone calls me Gabi. You, um, fainted in the middle of your song," Gabi explained. Taylor nodded. "Are you okay? You seem a bit pale. I mean, not judging your skin color or anything. I've just heard that, um, that sometimes people get pale when they're exhausted or dehydrated. Do you want water?" she said, holding up a bottle.

"Oh, no, it's okay-" Taylor started, but Gabi cut her off.

"No, seriously. I promise I didn't drink from it yet, if that's what you're worried about."

This girl is adorable! Taylor thought. "Okay. Here, meet me after the show backstage, so I can give you a new bottle of water. What's your full name, so I can tell security to let you through?"

"Oh! Um, Gabrielle Lewis."

"Okay, perfect! I'll tell them about it after the show! Thank you so much, Gabi!"

"No problem!"

Taylor started to walk back to the main stage with a huge smile on her face. "New York City! How are we doing tonight?" The crowd cheered, and Taylor spotted Gabi grinning from ear to ear as she cheered along with the rest of the crowd. "Sorry about that - I didn't have enough water, but I'm okay now, and we're ready to keep going with the concert!" She paused for more cheering. "So, yeah! I think we're gonna restart 'The Way I Loved You' if that's alright with you all!" Taylor smiled as the crowd went wild. "He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous," she sang as the audience screamed the words along with her.

From there, the concert ended smoothly, and Taylor went offstage at the end, euphoric from performing but glad it was over, so she could finally rest. In her exhaustion, she forgot to let security know about Gabrielle Lewis coming backstage, but when she remembered, it was too late.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now