Chapter 15

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A/N: I know I haven't done these before, but oh my god, humans!! We just hit 1.1k views!!!!! I'm SO EXCITED (I used to have a different account and the stuff I wrote on there barely hit like 25, so I'm very very very excited :)))))) Thank you so much!!! Also the power went out at my house for the last few days, which is why I haven't posted yet, so I'm sorry but here's a (slightly delayed) next chapter!


The rest of the magical weekend flew by, and suddenly it was Sunday night - the parting. Taylor would be moving on to the next city for her tour, and Gabi would be crashing back down to Earth after a weekend on cloud 9. Taylor had gotten Gabi a backstage pass for the concert that night, wanting to have a chance to wish the girl one last goodbye.

"You were amazing, Tay!" Gabi exclaimed the moment she saw the singer step backstage. She'd been watching the entire show from backstage, and it had taken Taylor a lot of willpower to not constantly make eye contact with the girl.

"Thanks, Gabs..." Taylor said, not making eye contact. Gabi's face fell. She suddenly realized what the show being over meant. Taylor voiced what was going through both of their heads. "But... now we have to... say goodbye." Her voice cracked in the middle.

"Well, hey, when you're a famous star with five hit records under your name, if you still remember me, you can come and find me. It's not as if I'll go anywhere anyways, so..." Gabi said, not totally sure if she was trying to comfort the singer more or herself.

"I'm gonna find you a lot sooner than that! And besides! I'll always have the cat painting," Taylor said, beginning to tear up.

"No, no, no! You can't cry! I don't know how to handle crying people, and if you start crying, then I'll start crying, and I never cry!" Gabi said, fighting back tears herself. "I guess this is what happens when two overly dramatic and clingy people grow close in a ridiculously short period of time," she joked. Taylor laughed halfheartedly.

Opening her arms for a hug, Taylor just said, "Come here. One last hug? For the road?" Immediately, Gabi rushed into her arms, holding her as tightly as she could. By this point, both girls were just shy of full-on sobbing. "Do I have to leave? I might be able to postpone another night or two, but then fans will probably be mad... But still..." Taylor asked into Gabi's hair.

"Love, I wish you didn't have to, but, I mean, this is amazing for your career, right?" Gabi said into the singer's neck. "And, hey, I'll still be cheering for you every night." Taylor smiled slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you. A lot," Taylor said, still not pulling away.

"Me, too," Gabi whispered. She hesitantly pulled away when she heard Andrea shouting that they needed to go. "I should... let you go..." Both girls looked like they were on the verge of tears.

"Yeah..." Taylor agreed. Before she could regret it, she quickly pulled Gabi into another tight but shorter hug. They separated, and Gabi let the singer leave.

"Do good, and don't forget me, okay?" Gabi shouted after her.

"I will," Taylor said, her voice cracking. She began to walk a little faster because she knew that if she didn't pick up the pace, she'd never leave.

"I'll never forget the magical weekend you gave me," Gabi whispered as she watched the blonde leave. "I love you."

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