Chapter 48

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Gabi woke up to the (formerly) pleasant sound of her alarm. Gods know it's better than the default, but over time it had become annoying in all that it symbolized.

"Ugh, Gabs, can you turn it off?" Taylor groaned.

"Sorry, Tay. I gotta get ready for work. And you need to get going to the airport," Gabi pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah. But all that can wait another half hour, can't it?" the blonde complained.

"Tay." Taylor just rolled over. "Tay," Gabi said a little more forcefully, but the girl just ignored her. "Taylor Alison Swift, don't make me dump water on you."

"Ugh, okay. I'm up!" she groaned, reluctantly sitting up in bed. Gabi just smiled, proud of her ability to carry the threat.

"Good! Then get dressed - you can borrow some clothes - and come out to the kitchen. I can make breakfast for you and then you'd probably better head to the airport or you'll miss your flight."

"I can just call to take off later though," Taylor complained. Gabi frowned. "Yep, okay," Taylor said, quickly amending her words. "Got it. Clothes, kitchen, breakfast, airport."


"One thing though." Taylor quickly leaned over, pecking the bottom left corner of Gabi's mouth quickly before leaving the room to get ready. Gabi just ghosted her fingers over the spot where Taylor's lips had just been, allowing herself to fantasize for a moment about what it would be like if they had been just a smidge to the right before getting up to get ready for the day.


"Okay, do you have everything you brought with you?" Gabi asked for the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes.

"Yes, mom," Taylor teased.

"Hey! The last thing you want is for you to accidentally leave, like, a sock here and then be missing a sock and have a completely useless extra sock," Gabi said.

"But then you'd just have to come visit me to drop it off," Taylor said innocently. Gabi tried to give her a disapproving look but in reality was just trying as hard as she could to keep a blush off her face that she could already feel forming.

"Okay, that is beside the point. And how do you know I'd even come over personally to drop it off? I could just mail it!" Taylor rolled her eyes. "Okay, but really, you need to go or you'll miss your flight. And your poor driver has been in the driveway for gods know how long. Like seriously. That poor man."

"It's okay. He'll understand. I'll give him an extra bonus," Taylor replied nonchalantly. Gabi just narrowed her eyes. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll head out now!"

"Text me when you've boarded the plane and when you've landed so I know you haven't died or something," Gabi said.

"Don't worry. I will."

"Okay. Good."

"And just to give you another reason to visit some day..." Taylor placed a quick kiss on Gabi's lips before pulling away. She was halfway out the door when Gabi grabbed her arm and pulled her back, spinning her so the two were facing each other.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving after that," Gabi mumbled before kissing the blonde again. Taylor quickly responded to the kiss, which lasted for considerably longer than the first one did. "That... was... amazing," Gabi breathed out after pulling away.

"So suddenly the flight is less important..." Taylor teased, instantly cutting it out when she saw Gabi's glare. "For the record, it was definitely worth the wait." Gabi shot her a questioning look. "What? I've been waiting to do that since we were nineteen!"

"Wait, so you-" Taylor nodded. "Wait, I did too-"

"We should probably talk about this," Taylor said. "But not right now..."

"Yeah." A pause. "You'll call?"

"Only every day."

"You better come over when your Jersey shows are done."

"Oh, for sure. You'll be seeing me so much, you'll get sick of me."

"I doubt it," Gabi said before pulling Taylor in for one more quick kiss before shoving her out the door, saying, "You gotta go!"

Taylor just laughed, saying, "Okay, okay! Bye, Gabs!"


Once Taylor had disappeared around the corner of the hallway, Gabi whipped out her phone to call Zach.

"Zach, dude, you will not believe what happened..."


A/N: the long-awaited climax -- hope you liked it (it's my first time writing something like this)   :)

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