Chapter 17

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"YES!" Gabi squealed, jumping up from her seat at her desk. Her best friend, Zach, clutched his chest.

"What is wrong with you, woman?" he asked. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I got them!" Gabi shouted. Zach looked confused. "Y'know."

"No... I don't know..." Zach said, still very puzzled.

"Oh, you never listen, do you?" Gabi said, frustrated.

"No, I do. I just choose to ignore it, like every best friend should," Zach smirked. Gabi groaned.

"Well, I'm going to ignore that. Anyway, I got tickets to," Gabi paused for dramatic effect, "TAYLOR SWIFT'S ERAS TOUR!" Zach screamed. Gabi clutched her chest, mocking him. "What is wrong with you? You almost gave me a heart attack!" Zach just waved her off.

"Oh, shut up! We're going to see Taylor Swift, aka the person you will have a girl crush on until the end of time, aka the best person in the entire universe, aka the reason we are both still alive! We're going to see that Taylor Swift?" Zach screeched. Gabi blushed.

"First of all, I don't have a crush on her anymore. I got over that years ago! And second, yes. We're going to see Tay."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I don't love my boyfriend," Zach said. Gabi glared.

"I told you. I don't. And I'm not going to be sent into a spiral because of your stupid comment."

"Uh-huh." Zach internally counted to three, waiting for Gabi's eyes to become a mess of emotions as she would inevitably spiral. The two of them had gone through that sort of thing many, many, many times together before. They both knew each other's tells pretty well.

'Well, I guess it's possible that I've been lying to myself for the last fifteen years. But still! I don't like her like that. I don't even know her anymore! I thought she'd try to keep in touch, but I guess not. I mean, what kind of friend doesn't return your calls? I don't like her like that. But what if I do? Get it together, Lewis! You don't have a crush on her. Not even a tiny, miniscule one. You are not lying to yourself, and you are not lying to yourself about not lying to yourself. But what if I do have a tiny, miniscule crush on her? Oh, god I'm spiraling again. Ugh, Zach just won.' Gabi internally groaned, blinking hard to clear her head.

"You spiraled, didn't you?" Zach asked smugly. Gabi glared at him before begrudgingly nodding. "I won, by the way, but that was the last thought that went through your head, wasn't it?" Gabi gave him a death stare. He immediately backed off. "Sorry, sorry, sorry." Gabi smirked.

"Anyway, yes, we're going to see Taylor. We're seeing her in March. In Las Vegas."

"You're going to Las Vegas for this girl? Damn, you love her a lot!" Zach commented. He saw Gabi glare again. "Right, sorry." Gabi's expression immediately changed.

"And... I kinda got us, well, seats in the 13th row..." Zach gasped.

"We're not in the very, very, very back of the stadium? You finally came to terms with the fact that you're destined for each other and that you should actively work to make your relationship happen?!" Gabi instantly shook her head.

"What? No! What the hell, Zach?"

Zach just shrugged. "Whatever you say, Gabs..."

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now