Chapter 44

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Taylor woke up extremely confused. Her surroundings were completely unfamiliar. As she tried to remember exactly what happened the day before that caused her to be in the situation she was in, she felt someone shift from behind her. It was only then that she realized someone was cuddling her from behind. Spooning her. This of course immediately sent her mind into overdrive. Did she get drunk? Did she have a one-night stand or something? It didn't really make sense because from what she could tell, both of them were fully dressed still.

"Good morning," she heard a female voice mumble from behind her. Suddenly, it all clicked. The events from the night before flashed to the front of her mind: having a panic attack, Gabi comforting her, going to Gabi's hotel room, Gabi singing her to sleep. Everything. Taylor let out a small sigh of relief. She hadn't done anything stupid. Tree wouldn't be pissed off.

"Good morning," she replied, voice husky from just waking up. She shifted slightly, turning around so she could face Gabi.

"Zach's still asleep. He gets annoyed when his beauty sleep is disrupted. So we kinda gotta be quiet," Gabi said.

Taylor looked at the clock, seeing it was only 8:30. "Yeah, that tracks. Wait! What time do you get up at, then?"

Gabi hesitated. "Usually around 6:30. I just have trouble sleeping for very long." Taylor scoffed playfully.

"Well, that's changing now, babes. I'm going to teach you the art of sleeping in."

"But... I do a lot in the mornings."

"You do a lot at night," Taylor pointed out. Gabi shrugged. "Babe, you can't be a morning person and a night owl! There's, like, no way that that's healthy." Gabi just shrugged again.

"I mean I haven't died or anything."

"Yet! You never know what will happen!" Taylor said. Gabi just laughed.

"First of all, drama queen. Second of all, if it'll help you sleep at night, then fine."

At that, the two women heard a gasp of surprise. They turned to see Zach sitting up in his bed, staring at them.

"What?" Gabi asked. "It's rude to stare."

"I've been trying to get you to sleep in. For. Years. And Taylor just waltzes in, and, like, bam! It's not. Fair!" Zach complained.

"You're just jealous because I have a bigger influence on her than you do," Taylor teased. Zach just looked down, disappointed.

"He wants to be angry, but Taylor Swift just teased him, so all he can think about now is that he can die in peace," Gabi said playfully.

"Hey!" Zach complained again.

"You didn't deny it..." Gabi pointed out.

"Awww, that's so cute!" Taylor cooed, making Gabi pout jokingly.

"I'm cuter though, right?" Gabi asked. Taylor nodded.

"Of course, love, the cutest," Taylor reassured, trying not to laugh. Gabi stuck her tongue out at Zach playfully.

"See? She likes me more!" Gabi said.

"You two are sickening," was all Zach could say in response.

"We are not!" Gabi said, feigning offense.

"We're just acting like we're five!" Taylor added, making all three burst out laughing. "No, but seriously," Taylor said once she regained control of herself. "Thank you for letting me crash here so last minute."

"Of course!" Gabi said, suddenly seeming slightly awkward as she patted Taylor's arm, making the singer smile. She'd never stop finding Gabi's awkwardness adorable.

She wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, saying, "But really, thank you. I was in a not so great... place..."

Gabi just squeezed her tighter, saying, "Yeah, well, now I'm just a phone call away. If you... need anything." Taylor smiled.

"Thank you." Pulling away, she added, "And thanks to you, too, Zach. For... letting me stay here."

"Oh, it was nothing!" Zach said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, probably freaking out. From what Taylor could tell, the guy was a total fanboy.

"Anyway, I kind of have to go soon..." Taylor said, trailing off.

"Yeah, of course! We should... let you go. Good luck with your next few shows! You're in... Texas next, right?" Gabi asked.

"Yep..." Taylor said before wrapping her arms around Gabi again. "I- I'm getting total deja vu while saying this, but... I'm gonna miss you. A lot."

"Me, too," Gabi whispered, referencing the first time this had happened. She hesitantly pulled away, saying, "I should... let you go..."

"Yeah..." Taylor said.

"But, hey! At least... this time, I really am just a phone call away, right?" Taylor smiled.

"Yes. I promise we'll keep in touch this time."

"Okay. But you probably should go now." Taylor nodded, hesitantly moving towards the door, Gabi following her.

"Bye..." Taylor said softly, pulling Gabi in for one last hug.

"Bye," Gabi whispered just as softly, placing a light kiss on Taylor's cheek right before the blonde started to walk away. As Taylor walked to the elevator, she placed her hand against her cheek, right where Gabi had kissed her, unable to help the goofy grin spreading across her face.

I promise we'll keep in touch this time. I won't lose you again.

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