Chapter 13

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"Welcome to Target! A-K-A the best everything store within a mile-radius!" Gabi announced. Taylor's brows furrowed. "What?"

"Love, you do know that there's Targets everywhere, right?" Taylor asked hesitantly. Gabi smiled, shaking her head as if Taylor were a little kid who messed up adorably.

"Oh, Tay. This is no ordinary Target! No! It sells everything at a 50% discount of what it normally would be!" Taylor gasped in shock.

"Everything's half price?!"

"Yup! Everything!"

"Oh. My. God. I'm buying literally everything!"

"Darling, that's not how that word works."

"Oh. Right," Taylor said sheepishly. "So, what should I buy if I can't buy everything?"

"Whatever piques your interest! Duh!" Taylor nodded excitedly. Seeing something that "piqued her interest," Taylor sprinted towards one of the aisles. "Wait! Tay! Slow down! What'd you find?" Taylor held up the thing that caused her to sprint a solid forty feet, panting and breathing heavily.

"It's... a CAT PAINTING!" Taylor shouted, drawing the attention of several people. "Sorry," Taylor said quieter, causing everyone to look away and go about their own business.

"Tay..." Gabi said, realizing where this was going.

"I have to buy it! But... I may or may not have forgotten to bring money with me, and, well..." Taylor trailed off.

"I'll buy it for you. Don't worry," Gabi said, feigning reluctance. Taylor's entire face lit up, making Gabi smile in spite of herself.

"Yes! You're the best! I love you so much right now!" Taylor exclaimed as Gabi fought her blush as hard as she could. "Hey! Every time I look at this cat painting, I'll think of you! Even when we're really far away while I'm on tour..."

"You're... bringing it with you on the road?"

"Well, yeah! I mean, where am I gonna leave it? In the hotel room for some random person to take? No way!"

"... That's a good point."

"Of course it is! All my points are good! I make excellent points," Taylor joked. Gabi laughed.

"Whatever floats your boat." Gabi paid for the painting at the self-checkout station along with a couple other items she'd picked out for herself. "Ready to go?" she asked Taylor. Taylor nodded, linking arms with her. They both tried their hardest not to think about how this would be their first and last full day to spend time with their new friend. Little did they know, all that was running through both of their heads as they walked together was: I'm gonna miss you when you're gone. 

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now