Chapter 34

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A/N: And a part 2 to make up for the short Chapter 33 :)

Taylor woke up, extremely confused. There was a weight on her. Comforting, but still a weight nonetheless. She heard a groan, and it wasn't coming from her. Looking down, Taylor saw a mess of brown hair across her chest, and the events from just a few hours before came back to her. Remembering how Gabi had allowed herself to be vulnerable with the older girl, something Taylor was happy she'd been comfortable enough to do, the pop star wrapped her arms around Gabi, holding her just a little bit closer. After all, no one should have to go through the things she was guessing Gabi sang about.

Taylor knew how scary it was to watch someone close to you fight cancer, knowing there's nothing you can do to make it better. No matter how much money you throw at it, if they don't survive, there's nothing you can do. Taylor guessed someone Gabi cared about lost their fight to cancer. That thought just made her hold the girl tighter. She was drawn out of her thoughts when she felt Gabi stir.

"Hello?" the still half-asleep girl mumbled.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Taylor whispered, the pet name slipping out. This seemed to wake Gabi up when she realized she was pretty much on Taylor's lap.

"Woah!" she exclaimed, immediately trying to get off. "I am so sorry. I have no idea what happened! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-"

Taylor cut her off. "It's okay. Relax. It's not a big deal, love. I'm not uncomfortable at all. As long as you're okay with it, it's all good," she said, smiling slightly. Gabi was adorable when she got nervous and awkward.

"Oh- okay." Gabi relaxed.

The two just sat there for a while on the couch in a comfortable silence before Gabi spoke up again.

"Er, what do you want to do? It's still..." Gabi quickly checked the clock on the wall. "It's about 2:30 if you wanna do something. Or- or we can just stay here. That's cool too," she rambled. Taylor smiled lightly.

"I have Scrabble in here somewhere. If you wanna play that..." Taylor suggested. Gabi's whole face lit up.

"Are you kidding?! I'd love to play scrabble! I mean, I'm not exactly... good at it, but I still like the game a lot! Which is weird, but still..." Gabi exclaimed. After all, she may know Taylor a little bit now from personal experience and not analyzing YouTube videos, but she was still a Swiftie at heart. And what Swiftie would turn down playing Scrabble with the practically unbeatable music industry (because you can't use "Machiavellian" in a song and not be amazing at Scrabble)?

"Okay, perfect!" Taylor said. The two got off the couch, and Taylor started to search for the Scrabble game. "I had it here in case J- in case someone wanted to play it... but it's just been sitting here this whole time..."

"Well, now we can play it! Also, I can't believe no one's wanted to play scrabble with you... it's probably really-" Taylor cut her off.

"Frustrating? Mom gets mad sometimes. 'Cause I'll use words, and she'll be like, 'Those aren't even actual words,' and I'll just be like, 'Go check the dictionary!' It's a little..."



"Well... I'm generally pretty chill with board games. Or I keep a 'chill' exterior. It's a great skill!" Gabi said with a small smile.

"Cool! Oh! I found it!" Taylor said excitedly. She set it up quickly, and the two began to play.

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