Chapter 49

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The week couldn't have gone by more slowly. A snail probably moved faster than the week did.

Of course, Taylor had the excitement of tour to keep her going. And Gabi had, well... Gabi had the excitement of waiting for Taylor's shows to be over to keep her going.

But none of that changed the fact that the week just dragged.

And Tuesday couldn't have come sooner for either of the two. Gabi was pretty sure that getting a text Tuesday morning from Taylor saying she was on her way to see her made it into the top fifty moments of her life (the other fifty also involving a certain blonde-haired girl from various points in time).

And at precisely 1:07, Taylor Swift and Gabrielle Lewis met each other at the door of Gabi's New York apartment, standing there. Unsure of what to do. Unsure of exactly where they'd left off.

But 22 seconds into the seventh minute of the 13th hour of the day, Taylor couldn't help but rush into Gabi's arms and kiss the girl. Gabi was definitely caught by surprise but luckily regained her senses in time to kiss Taylor back, trying to memorize the oddly comforting euphoria she got from being so close to the blonde.

At 1:11, the two pulled away, simply from the basic need of oxygen (which at that moment had never annoyed Gabi more).

"Tay, what's wrong?" Gabi asked, seeing a conflicted look on the older girl's face. "Did I-"

"No! You-you did nothing wrong," Taylor said. Gabi couldn't help but let her lips tug into a small smile as she realized the superstar knew exactly where her train of thought was going. "I just..."

"Yeah?" Gabi said, encouraging her to continue.


Gabi couldn't help but hold her breath, waiting. Anticipating what Taylor was going to say.

And at exactly 1:13, Taylor asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

And barely a second later, Gabi practically shouted, "Yes!"

"Wait, you will?" Taylor asked, unable to believe it. Gabi nodded.

"Yeah!" she confirmed before wrapping her arms around Taylor to pull her into a kiss. The blonde led the two into the apartment, never letting her lips separate from the brunette's, and shut the door.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now