Chapter 36

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A/N: so I suck and said 20k and we passed 20k and then I forgot to update so I'm so sorry but this time I actually mean it. I'll check more often (I lowkey neglected this for like a while so I missed it) and when we hit 25k, the next chapter will come out. Love you all :)
Taylor was kicking herself mentally. She'd made so many mistakes. Too many.

First, she'd called Gabi her friend. She'd accidentally friend-zoned herself. Because whatever was going on between the two definitely wasn't platonic. And Taylor knew it. At least, on her end, it was about as gay as it got.

But she hadn't called Gabi a "friend" once. No, no. She'd called her that not twice, not three times, but four freaking times. Taylor was beginning to rethink all of her life decisions. She shouldn't have friend-zoned herself. How much more pathetic and sad could she get?

Well, it didn't stop there. Because she also virtually kicked Gabi out. How, you may ask? She'd tried to be polite about it, but she ended up just saying, "You need to leave," and pushing the girl out the door, shouting, "I had a nice time! See you soon!" as she left. She did need to get ready for her concert. But she felt bad about ending it so hastily and regretted making the girl go. Besides, now that she thought about it, she could've just asked Gabi to stay in the hallway or something while she changed.

But her nervousness got the better of her, and she acted rashly in a way that she regretted not even five minutes later. So now she had to deal with the consequences. Taylor resolved to just send Gabi a million apologies through text, call to apologize a few hundred times, and, of course, give her as many presents as it took to get her forgiveness. She just hoped Gabi was a forgiving person. Because Taylor had messed up way more times than should be possible in just a couple hours.

But alas, here she was, getting ready for the concert, and she had to clear her mind of the violet eyes that had been living rent-free in her head all day. If she didn't, she was pretty sure she'd have a breakdown half-way through the concert, if she even managed to last that long. Crossing her fingers, she just prayed she'd be okay.

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