Chapter 14

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"Half hour call," a voice sounded through the intercom system.

"Oh my god!" Taylor shouted, startled by the voice she hadn't been expecting. The singer practically jumped two feet in the air.

"Woah! Are you okay?" Gabi asked, startled by Taylor being startled. Taylor nodded, dramatically pretending to catch her breath.

"Yeah. Was not expecting that." She paused. "Oh, crap! I have, like, only thirty minutes to finish with makeup and get into costume!"

"Er, how long does it usually take you to do that?" Gabi asked, confused.

"Well, putting on my costume takes a ridiculously long time. And I usually do a little pep talk with the band and dancers and singers, so..."

"Do you want me to help? I just feel kind of bad sitting here..."

"Distract me!" Taylor said. Gabi raised an eyebrow. "Hey! I'm allowed to be a little nervous! New Yorkers can be... no offense... they can be a little..."

"Harsh?" Taylor nodded sheepishly. "I get that. I think that too and I live here. You just kinda get used to it after a while." Gabi paused. Taylor continued working on her makeup, still listening to Gabi to see if she would say anything else. "But don't worry about it," Gabi continued. "Everyone in that theater loves you. They love you and your music, and they're going to be the most adoring, loving fans ever. Promise. You won't even notice you're in New York."

"I always hope that, but I keep thinking this might be the show where everyone seems to... hate me," Taylor said, her face falling slightly. Gabi frowned.

"I promise almost everyone in there is a massive fan, okay? And even if someone decides to be a- a jerk, just ignore them! Because you have hundreds of people there who love you and a massive team of people supporting you, too, okay? And besides, I'll be cheering you on as loudly as I can from back here, so you'll have at least one person who's a fan!" Taylor nodded.

"Thanks, I... really needed that." Gabi nodded.

"Of course! Now hurry up! You're running out of time!" Taylor laughed.

A little while later, the two left the dressing room, Gabi to go find a place by the wings to watch and not disturb and Taylor to get ready to go onstage. Gabi stopped Taylor as she was about to walk to places, pulling her into a quick hug.

"Hey, remember. You got this!" Gabi said to Taylor softly but fiercely. Taylor smiled, feeling much better with the reminder that she had someone in her corner.

"Thanks!" Gabi nodded.

"You got it!" Gabi repeated, grinning slightly. Taylor's smile widened. She pulled away from the hug, quickly walking to her starting spot.

When she got there, she realized she could see Gabi from where she was. She managed to catch her attention, making a heart with her fingers. Gabi returned the gesture, neither girl noticing how hard the other was blushing. Taylor turned away, looking straight ahead, ready for her entrance. She heard her cue to start singing, and the concert started.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now