Chapter 20

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A/N: Literally I'm gonna cry - this things at 3k views!! I'm so glad y'all seem to like it!! Here's the next part :)


Almost five hours later, the plane landed, and Zach and Gabi were both practically bouncing off the walls, although Zach was bouncing out of excitement while Gabi was bouncing from almost pure anxiety. "YES! The flight's FINALLY over!" Zach shouted. Gabi nodded, looking very pale. "Are-are you okay? You're very pale right now..."

"Wow, thanks," Gabi said sarcastically.

"Sorry! You still look nice, but you also look dead terrified." Gabi frowned. "You should be excited! Your favorite artist slash ex best friend slash ex crush is having a concert, you're in the front row, and you should enjoy it. Not stress over a weekend that happened almost fifteen years ago!"

"... I guess. It's just that..."

"You haven't let it go yet, even though you always say you do. You're still holding on, aren't you?" Gabi shrugged.


"Okay. Well, maybe Taylor will remember you! And if she doesn't, then she's not worth your stress okay? So just enjoy yourself, and let yourself have this night," Zach reasoned. Gabi nodded. "Okay! Now let's scream our heads off until we're hoarse and our throats hurt in the morning and we really regret it for two and a half hours!" Gabi laughed, cheering. "Okay. But seriously, if we don't want to miss the concert, we'd better get out of the airport soon." Gabi checked her phone, gasping when she saw the time.

"Shit! What are you still doing here? Go! Go! Go!" she said, practically shoving Zach forward. He laughed, happy that his friend was a bit more relaxed and could enjoy the night.

A/N: Spoiler alert for the next few chapters -- I'm going to base what Gabi and Zach experience at the Eras tour on the actual tour, so if anyone is going to see the tour and doesn't want spoilers about things Taylor might say/wear, etc (mostly because I refused to let people tell me about it until after I'd seen the show I went to), skip until Chapter 26. I figured spoiler alerts don't help much if it's at the beginning of the chapter you shouldn't read, so... here's the A/N part 2 :p

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