Chapter 41

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"Zach, we're here!" Gabi called.

"Girl, where have you been?" Zach shouted back even though at this point, they were only across the room from him. He looked up from where he was folding his socks.

"With Taylor," Gabi said smugly. Zach's mouth fell open in shock.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! OMIGOD!!!! Gabi, WHY DID I GET NO WARNING ABOUT THIS HAPPENING? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Well, don't murder poor Tay's ears!" Gabi said with a smirk. "I told you he'd be a little fanboy for you," she whispered loudly into the blonde's ear. Taylor smiled.

"You- you- you call her- I'm gonna faint," Zach said before flopping dramatically onto one of the queen beds.

"You need to calm down. You're being too loud," Gabi sang teasingly.

"Did you just reference one of my songs?" Taylor whispered to her.

"Love, I don't know if you noticed, but your songs involve a lot of common phrases that normal people like yours truly need to use," Gabi whispered back.

"Babe, I definitely noticed. I have to actively try to cut them out and find substitutes. It's. Exhausting."

"Coming from the person who uses 'Machiavellian' in a song," Gabi shot back.


Suddenly, Zach spoke up. "Since when did this happen?" Gabi and Taylor both shot him confused faces.

"What?" Gabi asked.

"This," Zach repeated.

"Zachary, you saying it twice doesn't mean I know what you're talking about."

"This," he said again, waving his arms around wildly, gesturing at the two women. "You and Taylor. I mean, since when did you call a mega-celebrity "love" and she call you "babe" back?" Taylor and Gabi both just looked at each other, blushing heavily.

"Um, since twelve-ish hours ago?" Gabi replied, fighting the urge to hide her face against Taylor.

"Hey, Gabi?" Taylor suddenly said, trying to switch the topic. Gabi hummed in response. "Can I take a shower?" Gabi nodded.

"Sure! It's just over there," she said, pointing to the bathroom. "Be careful. The knobs are kinda confusing. Turn the bottom one counterclockwise to turn it on and get warm water from the handheld showerhead. The rain thing-y is the top knob."

"Thanks!" Taylor said before disappearing into the bathroom. Gabi immediately turned to Zach, beginning to speak in a hushed, aggressive voice.

"Dude, what was that?" she asked.

"What?" he replied.

"Ugh, just- can you maybe not ruin this for me. Like, embarrass me terribly. I really like her. And I'd appreciate it if you helped her like me, too."

"Gabrielle, do you think I'm blind or something? Obviously you like her. And equally obviously she likes you back. Regardless of what I manage to pull off." Gabi just glared at him. "Fine, fine, fine. I'll be your wingman. I'll be the best wingman you've ever had." Gabi let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Zachary."

"You're welcome Gabrielle." He waited a few seconds before immediately switching the slightly irritated expression on his face to an overly interested one. "Now I want details. Details, Gabrielle. How the hell did you woo the Taylor Swift into coming to our lovely hotel room?"

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now