Chapter 45

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As promised, when Gabi checked her phone a couple days later, she saw a new message from Taylor.

Taylor <3

Gabi aka the Girl who Took Me to Target ❤️❤️❤️


hi taylor!

What you up to today?

nothing much... just got home yesterday, so probably gonna just chill what about you?

I just landed in Arlington about an hour ago. Driving to the hotel now 😆

oh slay! have fun in texas


Wait, do you still live in your tribeca place?


Like, the same one


Like, from 2009?

That Tribeca?

yes babes

Okay, just making sure

dw about it :)

So if I still had your address saved in my car...

yes you would hypothetically be able to visit if you were in new york which you're not :(

Okay but like hypothetically

yes taylor

you could also find my address by stalking me on the internet but let's not talk about that :D



So wanna facetime?

Gabi immediately clicked the little FaceTime icon, grinning as Taylor's face came into view.

"HIII!!!!" Gabi practically shouted. Taylor smiled.

"HIIII!!!" Taylor said with just as much enthusiasm.

"How's Arlington treating you?"

"It's alright... It gets better when the shows start though."

"Fair. Is it very hot there?"

"It's not too bad... Vegas was kind of a good... test run warm-up kind of thing. The weather's actually pretty nice."

"No rain shows?"

"No rain shows."

"Wait! Is your mom there?" Gabi suddenly asked, perking up.

"Uh, yeah?" Taylor said, seeming confused.

"Can I... say hi?" Taylor giggled, nodding. She switched which camera was being used to the one on the back of the phone, holding it up to where her mom was sitting next to her.

"Mom! Gabi says hi!"

"Gabi?" Andrea asked.

"Hi, Mrs. Swift!" Gabi said, waving even though Andrea couldn't see her.

"Oh! Gabi! Hi, sweetheart! How you been?"

"I'm good!"

"That's great to hear! How's that boy you were with doing?"

"Zach? Ha! I gotta tease him being called a boy! But he's good. Annoying, but good."

"Well, say hi to him for me, alright?" Gabi nodded. "And thank you for letting Taylor sleep over the other night. She wouldn't stop talking about how much fun she had!"

Gabi shot a confused look. "Oh, it's no problem! We had just as much fun! I think Zach died of fanboying."

"Oh, well I'm glad you all had fun. Where are you at now?"

"Oh, just home," Gabi said.

"New York," Taylor added, clarifying. "She lives in Tribeca." A look of realization dawns on Andrea's face.

"Is that why you-" Taylor cut her off.


"What? It was just a little random to choose there to live."

"Not... really?" Andrea just shrugged.

"Well, Gabi, you should visit Taylor sometime! She has an apartment nearby!" Gabi nodded.

"For sure! Just lemme know when you're in town!"

Taylor, blushing heavily at this point said, "Okay, you said hi to mom. I think that's enough of that," and switched the camera back to be pointing at her.

"So. You talked to your mom about me?" Gabi teased.


"Awww, babe, that's so cute!"

"Be quiet."

"No, really, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm flattered. Truly."

"Shut up."


"Okay, that's enough of you. Bye."

"Hey! Don't hang up on me! Taylor Alison Swift, don't you da-" Taylor hung up, and Gabi just groaned in frustration. "You little devil," she muttered.

Two weeks later, Gabi found herself in almost the exact same situation. Only this time, Taylor didn't abruptly hang up on her (and you can bet Gabi sent a whole string of all-caps text messages afterwards yelling at Taylor for what she did).

"Bye, love. Talk to you tomorrow!"

She smiled, having just gotten off the phone with her official new favorite person in the whole entire world. It had only been a couple weeks since Taylor called Gabi for the first time, but the purple-eyed girl still got giddy seeing Taylor's name on her phone screen, talking to Taylor, having just ended a conversation with Taylor, lying on her bed like a teenager after a conversation with Taylor... But who could blame her?

First of all, it was Taylor Swift.

And not only was it Taylor Swift, but it was Taylor Swift: her best friend.

Or... more-than-a-friend. Taylor more-than-a-friend Swift. That had an... interesting ring to it. For now, Gabi would stick with "Taylor," or "Tay," or one of her other various nicknames for the singer. Some of them were totally normal for normal best friends who became extremely close in a completely normal amount of time. Totally normal. Nothing was out of the ordinary. In fact, Gabi took offense that anyone might suggest otherwise. Gods know she heard enough about it from Zach. She didn't need to hear about it from anyone else on top of that.

In any case, Gabi just stared at the ceiling with a goofy smile on her face, unable to help the grin Taylor always caused her to have.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now