Chapter 22

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A/N: So, like, low-key feel kinda bad about writing this now. Even though I wrote it literal months ago. Just 'cause of the... stuff (?) going on in Real Taylor's life (Yes, that's actually how I refer to her in my head). I, like, low-key freaked out and was, like, "Oh my god! I caused them to [insert the rumor flying around for the last week]!" I think my mom thought I was hysterical. But anyway, I guess it's not really my fault. At least, it better not be because otherwise I'd be really mad at myself. Anyway, here's the next part :|


Taylor could've sworn she saw someone familiar in the audience. In the front row, to be exact. After all, it wasn't every day she saw someone with violet eyes, and she only knew one person who matched the description. She kept a very close tab on all her fans, even the ones who tried to fly under the radar.

The person in the front row in question had to be Gabrielle Lewis. It had to be. But Taylor couldn't believe it. After being in hiding for so many years, the girl just showed up in the front row of one of her concerts. And Taylor hadn't heard from the girl at all. No calls, texts, DMs, nothing. And she must not have pursued songwriting because the singer hadn't heard about her in the news at all either. It was disappointing in some ways. To think of all the amazing collaboration the two could've done together if they'd stayed in touch.

Taylor had ended up using Gabi's song for her Speak Now album, titling it "Enchanted." She hadn't included Gabi in the songwriting credits, which looking back on, she felt guilty about. The girl had insisted but it still felt wrong. Like stealing.

But either way, Taylor couldn't let the Mystery Girl's sudden appearance throw her off. It wouldn't be fair to the other thousands of people in the stadium. She did everything in her power to not look at the woman with violet eyes, fighting desperately against the violet whirlpools attempting to pull her in. But in the end, all it took was a slight lapse in concentration, a chink in her armor, and she was forced to succumb to the girl's happy yet intense stare.

And of course, it had to happen right as she was singing "Lover," an already difficult song for her given she and the initial subject of the song had broken up. But when she found herself staring back at Gabi, she couldn't look away and, for just a moment, allowed herself to imagine what it would have been like if she and Gabi had begun dating when they first met all those years ago. Both of their lives would certainly look very different. Would they have lasted? Was it too late to get to know each other again and try something? Did Gabi even want that? And for the rest of the song, Taylor allowed herself to sing the song to Gabi, imagining something did happen and lasted between the two and that the girl with violet eyes really was her lover.

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