Chapter 23

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A/N: So as Zach will say in a few lines, Oh my god! We hit 5.4K!!! As 12-year old Taylor would say, I. AM. HAPPY! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Okay, here's the next chapter!!


"Oh my god!" Zach screamed after Taylor's Lover album set finished, the singer having rushed off stage to change into her costume for the next album. Gabi just gave him a look.


"She-she-she- she was, like, full-on staring at you. And not like normal eye contact for a bit. It was like hard-core heart-eyes staring!"

"Who?" Zach sighed.

"Taylor, you dimwit!" Gabi immediately shook her head.

"She was not!"

"She was! And you were doing it right back at her!"

"I was not!"

"You so were!"

"Was not! And that's final," Gabi said, ending the conversation. Zach rolled his eyes and switched to a new topic, going on and on about how amazing the concert was and something about the dancers being hot? Gabi wasn't too sure. She was too preoccupied with what Zach had told her. Was Taylor really making "heart-eyes" at her? Did the singer even remember her? It was a long time ago that they last met, and they hadn't really kept in touch. And Taylor's life just transformed, and she got super busy, so it was unrealistic that the random weekend somehow stuck in her memory. But what if Taylor did remember her? Did that mean she still liked her? Did Gabi still like the singer in that way? She wasn't sure. But if she did-

"Hey! Hey! Gabiiiii," Zach said, snapping his fingers in front of her face. Gabi was pulled away from her thoughts.


"Did you hear what I said?" Gabi hesitated.

"Er, no, not really..." Zach sighed.

"I said, 'do you know what Taylor's gonna sing next?'"

"Er, Zach, you know I refused to look at the set-list so I'd be surprised today..."

"Ugh, you and your stubbornness."

"Not my fault you're impatient. She'll come back on in, like, 20 seconds. Just wait a bit."

"You're so annoying! And just so we're clear, Taylor definitely heart-eyed you."

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