Chapter 47

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A/N: it's october 11, and 11 is my favorite number, so here's a second update :)


"Oh my god. The Taylor Swift is staying over at my apartment!!" Gabi squealed, clapping her hands together like that kid journalist from Austin and Ally.

"Baby, I've literally slept over at your hotel room before..." Taylor pointed out.

Gabi just shushed her saying, "Just let me have my fangirl moment." Taylor just shrugged, deciding it was best to let the brunette nerd for a second before she eventually came back to Earth.

"Three, two, one," Taylor counted down, putting fingers up. "You back?" Gabi nodded.

"Yep! Sorry 'bout that."

"No, don't be!" Taylor said before mumbling quietly, "It was cute." Despite the superstar's whispering, Gabi heard her loud and clear, and a light pink instantly dusted her cheeks.

She cleared her throat before quickly changing the topic. "Right, well, you probably need sleep clothes. Hang on." Gabi disappeared into her closet before coming back out with an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. "Here," she said to Taylor, handing the clothes to her. "I started keeping a few pairs in all different sizes with the string-tightening waist bands in my closet for last-minute sleepovers when me and my friends started to hit our growth spurts. I figured between the three I have, they should work temporarily for the most part for everyone." Taylor smiled.

"Thanks," she said, slipping into the bathroom to quickly wash up and change. In the meantime, Gabi did the quickest costume change in her life, throwing clothes off her body, and forcing new ones on, praying she'd be decent by the time Taylor came out but also trying to not look like a hobo in her pajamas. Somehow, the girl managed to do both and even had a couple minutes to spare when Taylor came out, looking absolutely gorgeous, of course, even in her borrowed sleepwear. Gabi tried her hardest to not start to stare, although it definitely proved to be a challenge. Personally, the brunette thought she should get an A for at least trying.

She gestured to the bed, saying, "Here, you can take the bed. I can sleep on the couch in the main room." Taylor just gave her a pointed look. "What?"

Taylor laughed. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you sleep on a couch when this bed here is more than big enough for both of us. We can just share it." Gabi nodded.

"O-okay. We can do that, too!" She tried to sound polite, but internally she was freaking out. At least when she was conscious, she could resist the urge to just hug Taylor as tightly as she could and never let go. Once she was asleep, there was no telling what would happen. Please, please, please to any higher power out there listening right now, don't let me do something really really stupid that will scare her away.

As Taylor slipped under the covers, motioning for Gabi to join her (they were both very tired after their baking escapades), the software developer just tried to breathe in and out. After all, they would probably stay on their respective sides of the bed for the most part. It wasn't like this was a romance novel or something.

But then, once Taylor had turned off the lights, Gabi felt someone cuddle up next to her. "Is this okay?" Taylor whispered. Gabi felt lightheaded, her face flushing and heart racing.

"Yeah," she whispered back. "It's more than okay." She felt Taylor nod before the blonde stilled, and she assumed the singer had already fallen asleep. As the brunette's eyes began to fall heavy, she whispered so quietly that it was almost impossible to hear, "I really like you," falling asleep before she could hear Taylor's quiet reply.

"I really like you, too."

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