Chapter 42

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Taylor walked out of the shower, much more relaxed than she had been before (although the post-show adrenaline was still there). She saw Gabi talking animatedly to Zach but admittedly wasn't really listening. Although, who could blame her? The violet-eyed girl looked absolutely adorable as she waved her arms around, trying to get whatever it was she was explaining across to Zach. Taylor thought the whole scene was really cute.

"Oh, hi, Taylor!" Gabi said. "Taylor?" The girl in question started.

"Oh, hi! Gabi! Sorry. I was... zoned out for a second there." She turned to Zach. "Hi! I feel like I didn't properly meet you, so this is take two," Taylor said, laughing awkwardly at the end. She reached out to give Zach a hug, who seemed to hesitate to hug back before wrapping his arms around her tightly in a massive bear hug.

"Sorry about him. He's been freaking out for the last twenty minutes. Zach, let her breathe."

"Right! Sorry, I can't suffocate her yet. You two have to get ma-" Zach was cut off by Gabi immediately slapping her hand over his mouth.

"That's enough, Zachary."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Zach said before muttering something Taylor could barely hear. Something about the Nile river being in Egypt or something like that. It didn't make too much sense, but Taylor brushed past it.

"Right, so what do we want to do?" Gabi asked. "For sleeping arrangements."

"Well, I can just, like, sleep on the chair. Or on the floor. Kind of whatever," Taylor said.

"Okay, hang on. You are not sleeping on the floor. The Taylor Swift can not be sleeping on the floor!" Zach interjected. "Gabrielle, you get the floor."

"What?" Taylor asked, shocked. "No, no, Gabi is not taking the floor of her own hotel room. That's, like, ridiculous. We can just share the bed if that's okay with Gabi, or I'll just sleep on the chair."

"Babes, it's okay," Gabi said. "We'll just share the bed. It's, like, a queen sized bed." Taylor nodded.

"Okay. Cool! Um, there's also, er, one other thing," she said, suddenly getting slightly awkward and nervous. Gabi nodded for her to continue. "Well, um, sometimes, actually most of the time, I get, like, post-show adrenaline, and it makes it... kind of hard to, like..."

"Fall asleep?" Gabi filled in for her. Taylor nodded.

"Yeah. But, um, well, sometimes when people sing, it calms me down. So, er, gosh, this is embarrassing, but, uh, could you maybe..." Taylor trailed off again, blushing heavily.

"Sing for you?" Gabi filled in again.

Taylor nodded, saying a small "Yeah." Gabi suddenly started to smile.

"Yeah, sure! Love, you didn't need to be so nervous to ask me that. It's not embarrassing at all. Although I am flattered that you like my singing that much." Taylor let out a sigh of relief. Gabi jumped on the bed, patting the spot next to her. "C'mere."

Taylor quickly laid down next to her, instinctively curling up to Gabi's side. "Thank you," she said quietly.

"It's no problem. Now, do we have any requests, and do you mind if it's one of your songs?" Gabi asked, smiling. Taylor shook her head. Gabi just nodded before starting a song.

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