Chapter 2

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When Gabrielle Lewis went to see her favorite human in the entire world (aka Taylor Swift), the last thing she expected was for her purple eyes to see the 20-year-old collapse onstage. And she definitely never guessed that the singer would faint right in front of her. When she reflected on the moment that changed her life forever, she remembered how quickly the entire event seemed to happen. One moment she was screaming the lyrics along with all of the other fans in the audience and the next she had her arms out, supporting the full body weight of a passed-out Taylor. And not just a Taylor. It was the Taylor Swift. The girl she'd had a massive celebrity crush on for years and, although she'd never admit it, was the reason why in all her 19 years of living she had never gone on a date, was in her arms. Passed out.

While Gabrielle was many things, a doctor was in no way one of them. She barely knew how to fix a headache, much less what to do when someone passed out. So she just held the most incredible girl in the entire world up, trying to ignore the burning sensation in her arms as she thought about how awful she was at P.E. when she was in school and that this was the reason why she'd always sucked at pushups.

After what felt like eternity (but was really only a couple minutes), the curly-haired blonde in her arms woke up, saying, "W-what happened?"

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now