Chapter 35

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"Okay. I get where your mom's coming from," Gabi said when Taylor won their first game. "It's just a little frustrating when you stick 'umbraculiform' on the scrabble board. I mean, how did you even manage that?"

"Hey, you did really well! It was a pretty close game!" Taylor argued.

"We had a 200 point difference," Gabi said drily. Taylor shrugged.

"Still a close game!" Gabi just rolled her eyes playfully.

"Well, at least I can say I learned a lot of new words off of this!"

"See? There's always a bright side to everything!" Taylor said before immediately regretting it. "Gosh, I sound like a kindergarten teacher or something."

"Yeah... just a little, babe," Gabi said. Taylor flushed slightly at the nickname, praying Gabi didn't notice.

"Wait, Gabs..." Gabi hummed. "What do you do? Like, as a job..."

"Oh!" Gabi said. "I have a 'boring job,' I guess you could call it. It's not, like, anything close to what you do. I was more of a STEM kid in high school, so I went into computer science. I work at Google now. I'm a software engineer, so I just, like, design and test their applications and stuff."

"Wait, that's really cool! So, like, when I get Google updates, that's you?" Gabi nodded.

"And a team of thousands of other people, but yeah. Anything from the last seven or so years would be something I've worked on. I got a PhD in computer science, and then Google hired me!" she explained.

"Wait, are you, like, an actual doctor?"

"Yep!" Taylor gasped.

"My friend is an actual doctor!" she shouted happily. Gabi just giggled, her heart fluttering and stomach dropping simultaneously at being called Taylor's friend.

"You're adorable," Gabi laughed. "My friend is an international superstar, which is much more interesting than being a doctor – there's way too many of those."

"You'd be surprised how many of us would kill to have a PhD. Or some kind of higher education..."

"Hey! You have an honorary doctorate, so at least there's that."

Taylor hummed. "True. I guess there is that. But still! Let me celebrate finding out my friend has a PhD already!" Gabi laughed.

"Okay," she said, dragging out the y. Taylor was adorable when she got this excited. Well, Taylor was really cute all the time. But especially when she got this excited. Of course, Gabi would never tell Taylor this. Not in a million years. There was no way Taylor felt the same way she did. Besides, she'd called Gabi her friend, meaning platonic, meaning not you-know-what material. Gabi resolved to just crush respectfully from afar. Because that was so much better than making Taylor uncomfortable or ruining their friendship. Yeah, she'd crush from afar.

A/N: Okay, I saw another author do this, so I'm going to try out the tactic. Next chapter when we hit 20k reads :)))

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