Chapter 32

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A/N: Hey!! Sorry this has taken so long. I've been kinda busy so far but here's the next chapter :)

⚠️ TW ⚠️ I'll put another one at the bottom, but there's a song/poem thing (it's really crappy -- don't judge. I wrote it because I couldn't find one online that I liked, and I can't relate to the topic, and I'm not a lyricist, so not a lot of things going for me, but I tried). Anyway, it's about death and losing family members. If you don't want to read it, skip that part. I'll put another trigger warning in bold before the part starts. here's Chapter 32 :)


"Okay. Where has this been for the last thirty three years of my life!" Taylor practically shouted while eating the sushi burrito.

"I know! It's so good, right?! And, like, no one knows about it, so it's never super busy. It takes, like, so little time to get it, especially when you just, like, pick it up. It's, like, done by the time you've figured out how to use the credit card reader!" Gabi exclaimed.

"Wow! I'm just, like, learning about all the things I've been missing out on!" Taylor laughed. "So how did you discover this place then?"

"Well... some stuff happened a couple years ago, and I was basically just, like, I don't like alcohol but I need to go to, like, a bar and get this all out of my system. So instead, I looked for sushi bars. And then I saw this place online and figured it sounded cool. And here we are!" Gabi said, fighting to keep a smile on her face. Breaking down in front of a super star you've looked up to for ages and only just reconnected with and really barely knew on a personal level no matter how much you tried to deceive yourself into thinking you know everything about them was probably not the smartest decision in the world.

Taylor frowned. "Do you want to talk about it? Or are you kinda... over it already?"

"I- It's not exactly the kind of thing you can get over. But I've heard it gets less painful over time, so there's that..." Gabi said. Taylor's frown only deepened.

"Well... I get if you don't wanna talk about it, but... if you ever need to. I mean, as long as it's not between 8pm and midnight on Fridays, Saturdays, and sometimes Thursdays, in... wherever I am that week, odds are I'm not doing anything..." Taylor offered. Gabi smiled, remembering how she'd offered practically the same thing earlier.

"Thanks..." she said, definitely not hijacking Taylor's answer. "Sorry. That kinda dampened the mood..."

"No, it's fine! Don't worry about it. I dampen the mood all the time. I mean, have you heard, like, seventy-five percent of my songs?" Gabi laughed.

"You do write a lot of sad, break-up songs. But, like, everyone loves sad songs."

"Exactly! People who don't are, like, crazy. Messed up. Need to get checked out."

"Exactly. Sad songs are the best."

"Have you written any lately?"

"Wh-what? Wait, shouldn't I be asking you that?" Taylor just laughed.

"Well, I remember, at least, like, fifteen years ago, you wrote songs. You wrote 'Enchanted,' remember? I felt really bad about not giving you writers credits... Sorry..."

"Oh, yeah! I totally forgot! And it's all good. I think I literally told you not to credit me. I think these days, anyone would kill to have you sing a song they've written. They wouldn't care if they got credit or not." Gabi laughed. "But yeah... I've written a couple of things..." Taylor smiled.

"If you don't mind... can I hear them? I promise I won't, like, try and steal them or anything." Gabi chuckled.

"Yeah, sure! Can I use your guitar? If that's okay?" Taylor nodded, getting up to grab it.

"Here! And a capo, in case you need it..." Gabi smiled. She tuned it quickly, adjusting the pegs until the guitar strummed right, and started to play.

⚠️ TW ⚠️ SKIP if you don't want to read about DEATH

"I stood at your bed side

Watching you glassy-eyed

As you stared at the gates

Being welcomed after a six-month wait

Sickness took over - it was like a

darkness suffocated us

You couldn't breathe

And all I could do was watch

The water pulled you under

Helpless, tears fell down my face

Nothing could save you, even dollars

Everything I worked for was a waste

Sickness took over - it was like a

darkness suffocated us

You couldn't breathe

And all I could do was watch

Like a scared little kid

Felt like I was six again

Watching my brother covered

By a sheet at the age of ten

I was useless

Money was meaningless

The doctors still couldn't do anything

I wondered why

I still had my life

When he lost his to dad's driving

It's like a repeat as I saw

Sickness take over - it was like a

darkness suffocated us

You couldn't breathe

And all I could do was watch

But I couldn't even watch"

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