Chapter 18

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Zach was happy for the brunette. Truly. It was about time that she did something that made her happy. And it was definitely about time she stopped making them sit in the very very very back of the venue of the Taylor Swift concerts they went to. He didn't meet Gabi until after everything went down back in 2009, but from what he'd heard (which wasn't much), he knew that the singer had left a deep impression on the girl.

But all that didn't mean he wasn't absolutely terrified for what would happen at the concert. After all, Gabi hadn't ever truly recovered from what happened with her first (and up to this point only) relationship. Zach had never approved of the guy, thinking him to be a piece of shit that just didn't cut it. So naturally he was elated when Gabi told him she broke up with the dude, not that she'd ever find out about that. That was one thing he'd take to his grave, especially when the girl showed up at his door in tears from the debacle.

But because of that... douche, Zach was mildly protective of his best friend. Now he didn't take it to extremes, but he did do some preliminary research (*cough* stalking on social media *cough*) on anyone his best friend could potentially become romantically involved with. He was pretty sure Gabi knew this because he was also pretty sure she did the exact same thing with his boyfriend. So he was pretty sure everything he did was in the "safe" zone still and not pushing any boundaries.

So anyway, that's to say that while Zach adored Taylor Swift, he also was... wary of what might happen at the concert. Let's just say he'd be on high alert that night.

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